Her eyes flickered with interest and surprise when the surprise guest turned out to be a member of Sho's band. As she listened to Kyo's confession, she felt mild irritation at the sound of Vie Ghoul. She hated their vocalist, Reino, one of the few men who could truly terrify her. He had stalked and nearly raped her a few years ago on the sets of dark moon and had threatened to destroy her career by leaking the news to the press.

Well.., she thought with satisfaction, he's going to get what he deserves now! That stupid beagle!

Suddenly, Kyoko felt as though the air around her had turned very cold. She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, looking around for the source of the cold wind. Now how did that happen?, she muttered nervously when she saw that the windows were shut. Maybe the air conditioner broke dow-Kyoko froze mid sentence when she suddenly felt an icy gust of wind down her neck.

She turned quickly, and looked around panicking. "Wha..what was that?", she gulped. It felt as though someone with an extremely cold breath was breathing down her her neck. She slowly stood up and looked around the room warily. The room seemed to be getting colder every minute... But there was something else that felt different about the place.

Kyoko felt as though she wasn't alone in the room...there was something else..something or someone..a cold, evil and menacing presence..She looked at the corridor leading towards the bedrooms, shrouded in complete darkness and shivered at the thought of walking along it.

The best place for her, she decided, would be outside until Ren returned. She walked towards the door and stopped, frowning in confusion.

"What the?", she muttered. "I could have sworn I left the key in the lock!"

She stood there, hands on her hips, trying to remember where she could have possibly left the keys. The bedroom!, she suddenly realized, remembering that she had gone in there to leave her suitcase. I must have left it there!

With a defeated air ,she looked at the passage to the inner rooms, which now looked as though it was miles long. She took a deep breath and began marching in a determined fashion along the corridor, heaving a sighing relief when she reached the bedroom and turned the lights back on.

It was much warmer here in the bedroom. Feeling braver now, Kyoko decided that the air conditioner was faulty and made up her mind to get a repair man to fix it as soon as possible.

"Now where did I leave the keys?", she asked herself looking around the bedroom. She began to search the entire room from top to bottom but no success. "Where the hell did I put them?", she asked herself again feeling thoroughly frustrated.

She turned to the attached bathroom and stared. There, beside tooth brush stand on the shelf, was the key!

"When did I leave it in the bathroom?", she asked aloud in amazement. She went into the bathroom and was about to take the keys when the door shut behind her loudly.

Kyoko jumped in fright, and turned around quickly, her heart beating loudly. She took a tentative step towards the door and pulled. Or tried to.. Because no matter how hard she tried, the door would not open.

" Help!", Kyoko yelled desperately, feeling like a trapped rat. She was locked inside a bathroom which was locked inside an apartment! "Help me out!"

She pulled the door handle making the door rattle dangerously, but it remained stubbornly shut. Kyoko dropped her hands feeling an increasing sense of panic and terror grow within her.

What is happening here?, she thought, frightened. As if on cue, Kyoko began to feel that familiar atmosphere of chilliness and evil in the bathroom. She turned slowly towards the mirror and watched in horror an disbelief as it turned misty in the chill.

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