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"Ladies and Gentlemen!", the young hostess greeted her audience and the cameras with a smile. "Welcome to your favorite show 'Tokyo Tabloid' with me, Hana! As usual, we have three important things to share with you- gossip, gossip and more gossip!"

The audience cheered and whistled as the cameras faced them and fell silent as Hana continued to speak. Today, we have an upcoming drummer, and a member of Sho Fuwa's band, Kyo Takaki as our special guest! Ladies and gentlemen, give a huge round of applause for our guest tonight!"

There was a polite round of applause as a nervous looking young man stepped up onto the main stage beside the hostess. He managed to give a small smile and waved awkwardly to the audience before Hana ushered him to the couch at the centre stage. He sat down, his hands shaking slightly.

"Well Kyo san,", Hana said flashing him a brilliant, well practiced smile. "You have some very interesting news to share with us today haven't you? "

"Er.. yes..yes..", Kyo replied his eyes darting nervously everywhere. One would feel almost sorry for him. He looked positively terrified!

"Well.. Will you tell the audience what was this 'important piece of information' like you said when you contacted us?" , she pressed him.

Kyo took a deep breath and took the plunge. "As you all know, I'm a drummer in Sho Fuwa's band.", he paused. " I..I however have a confession to make. I've been leaking Fuwa's latest compositions to V..Vie Ghoul in exchange for a large sum of money."

There was a stunned silence at first, as the audience slowly registered what the young drummer had just admitted. The silence was followed by angry cries of outrage. Hana watched them, clearly enjoying herself. She put on a look of pretend horror and disgust as she leaned closer to Kyo for her next question. "now Kyo san,", she said in a grieved voice," that wasn't a very...nice thing to do was it? Betraying the very band that gave you your big break?"

Her words had the desired effect as Kyo's face turned red with rage. "FUWA ALWAYS TREATED ME LIKE SHIT!" , he yelled defensively. "In fact, it's not just me! It's also the rest of the band members! So he got lucky with a few hit albums! That doesn't give him the right to treat us like dirt! He's nothing but an arrogant PRICK! Vie ghoul were the ones who offered me a big break into showbiz if I helped them regain their old number one spot! They offered me money, fame and everything I-", but the rest of his speech was drowned out by shouts from the audience like 'scum!' and 'backstabber!' .

Hana licked her lips in pleasure as she always did when she anticipated mayhem. She smiled and stood up, facing the audience with her arms raised to gain their attention. "Please do calm down everyone.", she said smoothly. " We all know Kyo made a mistake. It may seem selfish now, but don't forget ,he realized his mistake and had the guts to actually confess to all of you. And as far as I am concerned, that is not the character of a 'scum'."

There was a murmur of general agreement from the audience when she said this. Hana smiled wryly to herself. Audiences, she thought, are so easy to manipulate. One simple word from my side and they are immediately on Kyo's side..the question is how are they going to react to what I have to say now?

She turned to Kyo, who was trembling like a leaf. A cruel smile curved on her lips as she put forward her next question.

"By the way, Kyo, there is something I'm sure is of great interest to all of us.. Why did you confess at all? Everything was going perfectly according to your plan... Your pay was good and had you not confessed, you might soon have been rich, and famous.."

Kyo began shaking even more violently when he heard this question. "I..I guess you can call it guilt?", he joked nervously. "I was greedy, I admit it, b..but er..I realized I was wrong and decided tell everyone the truth a..and how sorry I was.."

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