The Other Angel

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Kyoko stared at the still figure lying on the floor for a few seconds, frozen on the spot. Slowly, she made her way towards the body and with a shaking hand turned him over, praying over and over again that it was not true..that she was just living in a nightmare..

"Ren!", she choked back a scream and began shaking him and feeling his pulse. To her relief, his heart was still beating, though a little irregularly. Judging by the warmth of his body, he couldn't have been lying there for very long. He still had time.

Hope resurged in her heart and she whipped out her cell phone. She stroked Ren's hair soothingly as she dialed for an ambulance. Her hand froze mid-air when Ren suddenly stirred feebly, and mumbled incoherently. Kyoko bent over and gently cradled his face, turning it so she could hear what he was saying.

"Reino..kill ya soon..", he mumbled, but those words were enough to ignite Kyoko's wrath.

"BEAAAGLE!", she screamed with rage."If Ren d..dies, I will never rest until I hunt you down! And then I will chop you into teeny tiny pieces and offer it as a sacrifice to the Devil!"

She furiously dialed the number, mentally cursing Reino. Her voice must have been exuding her rage for the person on the line answered her 'hello' rather nervously.

"T..Tokyo Hospital Madame! may I help you?"

"I need you to send an ambulance to 'Paradise apartment' right away!", Kyoko said urgently. "Please hurry! My boyfriend has been seriously injured!"

"An ambulance has already been sent over Madame.", the voice replied politely. "We received a call a few minutes ago. The matter has been reported to the police. They should be arriving soon."

Kyoko disconnected the call, as the receptionist's voice sank in.

'I will destroy everything..' , the demoness's words played over and over in her head. She now realized the situation she was in. The knife dripping with Ren's blood, lying near him was proof. Proof that she had killed him..or attempted to anyway.

She felt anger and hopelessness engulf her as she realized her fate. Her love..her career..everything was finished! Over! Overnight, she would be labeled a 'murderer'.

She gently stroked Ren's handsome face, praying that he lived. If he were to die thinking that she never cared..Kyoko felt tears rolling down her cheeks as she bent over to kiss him. She jumped when she heard the door bell ring.

She ran to answer it and stared at the army of police, nurses and worst of all-reporters. The police were having a hard time restraining the excited press from barging into the apartment. The nurses pushed their way in and yelled in confirmation that the call about being Ren Tsuruga being stabbed was not a prank.

Kyoko watched numbly as Ren was gently laid on a stretcher and hurried out. A few policemen searched the room for evidence and preserved the incriminating weapon. The team of cameramen and the reporters seemed to be from the same channel. Kyoko wearily closed her eyes as she recognized Hana. Just what I needed!, she thought grimly.

"Mogami san," a police stepped forward with a pair of handcuffs. "I arrest you for the attempted murder of Ren Tsuruga. I must warn you that anything you say may be taken down as evidence against you. You have the right to hire an attorney..", and on and on he went, just the kind of scene you expect to read in a cheap thriller.., Kyoko thought dully, her mind vaguely conjuring up some interesting curses she was itching to try out on Reino.

She blinked as she felt the handcuffs firmly bind her wrists, and was lead out by the police. Hana continued spouting rubbish in front of the camera with her infuriating smile.

Evil Eye : A Skip Beat! fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora