Recovering spirits

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Before he could react, Reino felt an invisible, vice-like grip around his waist and found himself thrown across the room. He started to get on his feet, wincing in pain when he was once again flung away, this time, on a table.

Gasping and coughing blood, he turned slowly, wincing in pain, towards a triumphant Mimori. She looked fully in her senses and dangerously invulnerable. Suddenly, Reino felt invisible ropes coil tightly around him. He struggled to free himself, but an idea struck him. Freeing himself would only end up with a fight between the two of them..a fight he wasn't too sure of winning. Mimori could be overcome only by number..and he had a plan. The key was the grudge spirit still in his hand..

Taking a deep breath, he stopped struggling and started to concentrate on imbibing some of his powers into the grudge spirit. "Well Mimori..", he said with a smile, trying to buy time. "Why this sudden change in attitude? I had you swooning in my arms a couple of hours ago.."

The triumphant smile on Mimori's face vanished, to be replaced by a look of absolute hate and loathing. "Did you think, ", she hissed, "that after suffering heart-break from a one night stand, I wouldn't be able to resist another? I'll are pretty skilled..but I am more experienced!"

"Good for you!", Reino replied mockingly. "And I'm guessing that one night stand was with Sho Fuwa?"

At the sound of Sho's name, Mimori's eyes softened immediately, a sad smile on her lips. "Sho..", she sighed lovingly. "Such a talented young handsome..the prince of my dreams.."

"He broke your heart?", Reino suggested sarcastically. Mimori glared at him and with a slashing motion of her hand, a diagonal gash appeared on Reino's cheek. Just a little more.., he thought grimly, gritting his teeth in pain.

"HE DID NOT BREAK MY HEART!", Mimori screeched, making him wish he had a couple of ear plugs. " There is only one person responsible for my death and that is Kyoko Mogami!"

She glared at him, her eyes flashing red. Reino could literally see the fire dancing in her eyes and decided to keep her talking before she struck again. "How so?", he hurried on, trying to inject a note of sympathy in his voice.

The room temperature dropped down several degrees, as pain clouded her face. "She stole his heart from me..", she whispered, her voice filled with anguish. "She never loved him, but he was obsessed with her. Even after he made love to me..he left me.."

Reino listened politely, as though he didn't know this story. The grudge Kyoko was not yet ready.

"I committed suicide...", she continued monotonously. "But I never really left. I still remember the morning after..Sho panicked when he saw my body. He rang up Kyo for help. Kyo arranged to have my body hidden and my contract with the agency cancelled. I'm not famous..I'm not was one would ever know I was missing..including my manager..Kyo cooked up a very convincing story about how I had decided to quit the industry.."

Reino was thankful she seemed to be in a talkative mood. She obviously wanted to make sure he didn't die ignorant. She was proud of what she had done..And she reveled in narrating the tale of her rise form death.

"But then that rat started to black mail Sho!", Mimori continued indignantly. "He had the nerve to record our private moments and threatened to release the tape, and make it look as though I was raped!

His conditions were simple- Sho's latest songs, in return for Kyo's silence! Can you believe his nerve? Black-mailing the man who gave him his break? I decided to give Kyo a dose of his own medicine! I found out about his affair with a married woman. Being a ghost has it's perks you know..I was able to record one of their nights together and started to blackmail him! A confession on live TV-in return for my silence.."

Mimori paused, her lips curling up into an insane smile. "He was positively terrified when he recognized my voice. He thought I was still alive and would get him arrested. But that would be too easy for that pitiful ass.. I forced him to confess and sent the tape to Hana anyway! But the little idiot was going to spill the beans on me! So I appeared before him on the set that night..He got the shock of his life when I suddenly appeared right before him! He knew then you see, that I wasn't human. I took firm holfd of bis hand and strangled him! All I had to take care of now..was Kyoko Mogami...I wanted to wreck havoc on the one who stole away the one I loved! She had everything I dreamt successful career..couldn't she leave something for me?

As luck would have it, she moved into the very apartment I was murdered. There is something delicious about tormenting your enemy in the place you died, isn't it?", she turned to him innocently. "I made sure she didn't have a moment of peace..I injured Ren Tsuruga, not enough to kill him though..Not yet..But I will kill him soon..let Kyoko suffer slowly in prison, watching her love die, and not being able to do anything..and then,", she clapped her hands with child-like glee, "I'll kill hi-"

Mimori's eyes widened when Reino got up suddenly, snapping away the invisible bindings. He stood impressively before her, radiating power and an aura of menace. Instinctively, Mimori raised her hand, but this time, he was ready for her.

He stepped forward and swiftly grabbed a fistful of her hair. He lifted her up roughly and began swinging her round and round with her hair like a cowboy lassoing a rope. Mimori screamed angrily, flinging her hands around, unable to free herself as she got dizzier and dizzier. Suddenly, Reino let go off her hair and Mimori was flung across the room.

She got up, walking unsteadily towards him, arms outstretched. "You..", she said venomously. She curled her hands like a cat, making the air crackle with electricity and sending waves of the deadly energy towards Reino.

He deflected it nonchalantly and suddenly flung something small towards her. Mimori's eyes widened in surprise when she realized it was the grudge spirit she had been holding captive. But the grudge spirit no longer was in it's earlier pitiful state. It was energized and crackling with energy. Reino's energy..

On the way, the grudge spirit split up into two..then fity and soon a million..before pelting down on Mimori, She screamed with agony, as the spirits penetrated her body like a million bullets. She had never expected to feel pain like this after death..

Taking advantage of her momentary distraction, Reino took of his necklace and pounced on the cowering Mimori. He wound the chain tightly around her neck, making her cough..and finally wither into a wisp of smoke, which he trapped in the pearls.

He got up slowly, breathing hard, and exhausted from the ordeal. Mimori was safely trapped within the necklace, but there were still a few things he needed to take care of first.. The tape recording Mimori ans Sho's one night stand, followed by her suicide. He needed it to show the police. Mimori would probably know about it..

Reino glanced at the chain of pearls, and bit back a groan as he realized he would have to let out Mimori again to question her. "Stay with me a while longer okay?", he told the grudge spirits grimly.


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