The End

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"There's going to be a war isn't there?"

Dante sat at the one end of the grand table and I sat at the other.

I was dressed in a midnight blue dress, the same as the one I had worn when I had first arrived at midnight mansion. The table was light by candles and porcelain plates sat before us, half filled with delicious food.

"Yes," Dante replied, sipping his blood red wine coyly.

I bit my lip, clenching my fists in my lap and looking down.

"Both you and Axsel will try and kill each other won't you?" I asked.

"Undoubtedly. He believes I have stolen a prized possession and I believe you deserve better," Dante said, putting his glass down.

I breathed out heavily and looked up.

"Is there any way to stop it? To stop you fighting?"

Dante laughed. "I'm afraid not. We both have something to fight for. He will fight for because he thinks he owns you and I will fight for you because I can't stand how he treats women."

I sighed in defeat.

"And if I stayed with you?"

Dante stopped, his wine glass halfway to his lips. "Stayed... with me?"

"Yes. If I convinced Axsel that I wanted to stay with you, he would surely leave."

"He will not be pleased though," Dante said, setting his glass down.

"He would be alive. And this war would end."

Dante considered me, his eyes slowly taking over me.

"You are prepared to give up your freedom to save Axsel?"

"I am."

"Hm. And here I thought you were a human."

I looked up sharply at this. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Humans are selfish creatures, interested only in fame, wealth and glory. But you are an exception."

"Do we have a deal?" I asked, looking him firmly in the eyes.

"We do. I will not fight in this war if you somehow convince Axsel you have chosen me," he said, standing up.

"I'll find a way."

I stood in the balcony, watching the dead landscape.

"You're all monsters. Why wouldn't I want to leave?"

I shut my eyes, remembering my harsh words.

"You were so ruthless," Dante said from behind me.

"You told me to find a way to convince him. I...That was all I could think of," I said softly.

"Huh. I underestimated you. I expected you to chicken out, truth be told."

"I kept my promise, just like I said I would. Are you going to keep yours?" I asked, turning to face him.

His blue eyes regarded me and he smirked. "I shall. I will not raise so much as a finger against the vampires at Midnight Mansion."

I nodded once, relieved.

"Oh and Raeden?"

I looked up, meeting his eyes. They were dead, unbearably blank.

"This deal only stands so long as you live. Do anything to try and get out of it and you'll be lying alongside Axsel, buried where no one will ever find you."

I stared at him and for the first time ever, I allowed myself to really see him. To see the real him, not the charmistic facade he put up. To see the cold and fearsome person, hell bent on destroying anyone who such much as showed potential as a threat. To see that he was really a monster.

He laughed. "I do hope you live long Raeden, for both your and Axsels sake."

I gave him my answer, without any hesitation.

"I will."

Hey guys! So this is the end of Bite me! I just couldn't resist ending on a cliffhanger 😂 I'll be updating with a new book soon enough but in the meantime, go check out Bad idea, Mister Bad Boy! Love you guys and see you in the next book!

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