Change Hands

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Axsel stalked towards me, pushing me behind him protectively as he watched Dante.

"Negotiate what?" He asked, shielding me.

I looked back in surprise as a flicker of movement caught my eye.

All the boys stood a few feet away from us, all in a line, snarls on their lips.

I gasped silently and looked back up at Axsel.

"Not her, if that's what you're implying. Not yet anyway," Dante laughed, his laugh easy and carefree as if he weren't surrounded by six powerful vampires.

"Then what? Scum is not permitted in Midnaight Mansion," Axsel replied, his hands sending goosebumps up and down my arms, even though his fingertips never met my skin through the material.

"Midnight mansion? Is that what it's called now? It has been a few centuries too long if the names already changed," Dante laughed.

"Leave," Axsel insisted.

"But I came all this way to talk to the almighty Axsel! Surely the original Dracula could spare a few moments for a lowly vampire," Dante said, his eyes turning a striking gold.

Axsel snarled at the name Dracula, as if it were a curse word that a mother had heard her child speak for the first time.

"Don't call me that," he growled.

The other boys took a step forward, snarls on their lips.

"Setting your dogs on me already? But we haven't even had a chance to speak!" Dante said, watching the other boys with a blank look.

"No," Axsel said, putting his hand up,"Stay back."

"You're really going to let him talk to you like that?" Lucas snarled.

Axsel said nothing, but his eyes flickered to me, a confused look on my face.

"You should go," he said, his tone cracking, but only for a second.

"Go?" I asked, cocking my head to the side as if I didn't understand.

"Get out," he snapped, grabbing my arm and yanking me forward,"We have business to discuss."

I stumbled forward, stopping only when a pair of strong arms stopped me.

"Careful there Raeden," Dante smiled as I looked up at him.

"Thanks," I breathed, his gold eyes mesmerizing.

"Hurry it up. Do you wish to talk or not?" Axsel snapped, settling back in his seat.

"I gotta go Rae. But see you around ok?" Dante winked, letting go.

"Yeah," I said, watching as the vampires all settled back into their seats, although their eyes were weary and cautious as Dante walked towards them.

"Close the door behind you," Axsel called as I opened the door.

I bit my lip then nodded and slowly backed out the library, shutting the door quietly.

I stood still for a second, then felt my blood freeze as a hands grabbed me from behind, a hand gripping each wrist tightly as I was pulled back.

"Le-let go," I said through gritted teeth. My arms were pulled away from my body as a hand pushed my head down, causing my to fall to my knees, my arms held spread eagled.

"This is those vampires dirty secret? I can see why they'd hide her. She looks tasty," a new voice said as a pair of legs appeared before my face.

I bit my tongue as the person crouched before me,revealing gold eyes.

"Why hello," he said, pulling my chin up towards him,"Don't you look delicious."

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