It Rains In Hell

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"What are you?" I asked gaping.

"What are we Miss?" Clyde asked.

"We thought you would have figured it out by now Miss," Claude nodded.

I swallowed, taking a step back.

"I haven't...I don't know," I said.

The twins smiled, their canines almost bared.

"We're vampires," they laughed.


"Vampires?" My eyes widened.

"Yes Miss," Claude said.

"Then those boys...all of them...I-I..." my voice trailed off as I realized it was so obvious.

"Yes Miss. Surely you realized by now?" Clyde asked.

"Actually I..."

"But didn't Axsel claim you Miss? Surely his feeding gave him away," Claude said.

"Yes Miss. Didn't his feeding give you a clue?" Clyde questioned.

"I does make sense now," I hesitated, feeling even dumber.

"Of course Miss," the twins said together.

"I have one more question for both of you," I said, shuffling my feet.

"Anything for you Miss."

"Ask away Miss."

"Why are your eyes gold?"

"They are not always gold Miss," Clyde said.

"We can change them Miss," Claude said.

And as I watched, their eyes shifted from gold to a more natural color.

They had the same mismatched eyes; the left eye was green ,the right eye was brown.

"See Miss?" They said.

"Can all vampires do that?" I asked gesturing.

"Yes Miss," they replied.

"It's our way of standing out," Claude said.

"But also blending in," Clyde said.

"And what's with calling me Miss the whole time?" I questioned.

The twins exchanged a look then smiled at me.

"We don't know your name yet Miss," Clyde said.

"Axsel has not been kind enough to tell us your name Miss," Claude said.

"Or perhaps he does not know it Miss," Clyde said.


We all glanced in the direction of the voice and stared.

"Oh look Brother. It is Axsel."

"Indeed it is Brother."

"Perhaps we are hitting a nerve Brother," Clyde said.

"If he does not know the girls name, then I should think we are Brother," Claude said.

"Enough you two. You're scaring our guest," Axsel said, descending from the steps behind us.

"See Brother?"

"Yes...he really doesn't know her name Brother."

The twins giggled, their eyes flaring back to gold.

"Axsel..." my voice faded off as he stood next to me, glaring at the twins.

"You have said enough nonsense for the day. You may leave now," he said, waving dismissively.

The twins looked sad as they turned to me again.

"See you Miss."

"It was very nice to meet you Miss."

And with that they faded into the shadows, leaving me and Axsel alone.

"Sorry if they bothered you," Axsel sighed, running a hand through his scruffy hair.

I said nothing, unsure of how to respond.

"Enough of your foolishness."

"They're right you know. You never did ask me my name," I said quietly.

"I don't need to know your name," Axsel said sharply.

I flinched and a moment of silence passed between us, Axsels' eyes on me the whole time.

"But-uh-I wouldn't mind if you told me what it is," he said, clearing his throat.

My eyes widened and I looked up in surprise.

"It's Raeden," I said, staring into his mesmerizing gold eyes.

Something flickered through his eyes as I said my name, so quickly I almost missed it.

"Rae...that's a beautiful name," he muttered, looking away.

I bit my lip, averting my gaze.

"You finally got dressed I see," he said, gesturing towards my dress.

"Oh um yes," I said looking down,"It was the least fancy dress there was."

Axsel smirked as I flushed under his gaze, turning my eyes to the floor.

"It suits you," he said.

My eyes widened and I looked up, expecting to meet his gaze.

But he was already long gone, only empty air on his place.

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