My Next Weapon

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I wandered into a ball room, gaping at magnificent paintings on the roof.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice asked.

My head snapped around and I took a step back, learning from experience.

"Leonardo di Vinci painted it himself. One of his- ah -lost works if you will," the boy said.

His eyes wandered back to me and he smiled sweetly, putting me at ease.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," he said, bowing.

His hair was snow white, yet he didn't look old in the slightest. His skin was tanned and he reminded me a lot of Axsel, except his eyes were a normal blue.

I said nothing, but curtsied, my eyes never leaving him.

"You're Raeden I presume?" The boy said, offering his hand.

"How did you know?" I asked, taking his hand tentatively.

"I could hear you and Axsel from across the hallway," he shrugged.

My eyes widened as he suddenly pulled me closer. But unlike the other two boys, when he put his arms around me it wasn't in a controlling way.

"You're one of them then? A vampire?" I asked, staring up at him.

He smiled again and his eyes flared gold momentarily. "Yes."

I found myself staring in his eyes, completely lost in the waves of blue.

"You never told me your name," I whispered, adrenaline pumping through my body as he held me close.

"Dante," he offered.

"Dante? As in Dante and the-"

"A silly myth. But yes. That Dante. I was the characters namesake," he said, a smile tugging his lips upward, revealing perfect dimples.

I stood speechless, nothing but his eyes meaning anything to me.


I was jerked out of my daydream, my head snapping to the place where the voices came from.

"Claude...Clyde. What are you doing here?" I asked, clearing my throat and stepping back.

Dante's arms loosened around me and he also took a step back.

The twins narrowed their eyes at Dante, then turned back to me.

"Axsel is hungry Miss," the one on the right said.

"He has requested your presence Miss," the other one said.

I felt fear flood through my body, remembering the past two times Axsel had been hungry.

My throats closed up as panic filled my eyes.

"And what of me? When will Axsel see me?" Dante said, jumping to my rescue.

The twins gazes moved from me to Dante.

"You will wait," the left one said.

"Claude don't be like that..." Dante laughed, a deep heartfelt sound that washed over my bones.

"My brother is right. Axsel is busy," Clyde snapped.

"Come Miss," Claude said, smiling at me.

"It will not do well to anger Axsel Miss," Clyde agreed.

I took a step forward, then turned back to Dante.

"See you again?" I asked hopefully.

"Definitely," he agreed.

I turned away, following the twins as they left the ballroom.

"You must not get mixed up with him Miss," Claude said, anxiety in his voice.

"He is bad news Miss," Clyde said, his eyes troubled.

"Dante? But he's so nice..." I replied.

"He is a half breed Miss," Claude said hurriedly.

"Half breed?" I asked.

But the twins were done explains and just shook their heads.

Bad news? Dante? How could he be bad news? He's been one of the only nice people here...Something's going on here.

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