Identities and Girlfriends

Start from the beginning

"I cannot lift it either," Loki said, "the only other who can is Odin Allfather and Thor."

"Congrats dude," Grover said, laughing as well.

I rolled my eyes and was about to tell them off for laughing at me when Agent Hills had to cut in and ruin the mood.

"Sir, the prisoners are ready and waiting in their cells," she said.

Now that I had cooled off, I was ready to be a little more calm with handling the demigods who decided it was okay to ruin my perfect, peaceful life. I smirked and slung my arm over Tyson's tall shoulder. "Shall we reveal the secret then, my friends?"

Five minutes later, we all stood in the prison room with the doors locked and the cells unlocked. Couches and arm chairs decorated the room and we all sat down, some a little hesitantly and others with out a care in the world.

"It's time we all had a chat," I said as Nick Fury. "Some people in this room may need therapy after the interrogations today." I looked around the room.

My team-the Avengers-were looking on, obviously interested in how things will turn out. Frank and Leo were both in their other forms again. Tyson, Grover, Triton and the demigods that hadn't turned on me were all glaring at the others, Annabeth especially. Jason and Piper sat next to each other, unwilling to be separated. Hazel was off by herself, feeling rejected by Frank most likely. Annabeth was being glared at by everyone and was shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Tears rolled down her's, Piper's and Hazel's cheeks.

"So let's begin, shall we?" I clapped my hands together. "Who wants to go first?"

There were a few tense, silent seconds as everyone avoided eye contact except for Bruce, who sent me a silent question; what are you doing?

"Wonderful sharing everyone," I said, sending Bruce a conspiratory wink, "but I think it is my turn."

"Nobody even went," Clarisse snorted.

"Not true," I frowned in mock confusion. "Annabeth didn't say anything."

I got many confused stares at this but a snort from Grover, Tyson and Clarisse. I smiled, they remembered one of our first quests together. I was touched.

"Wait," Annabeth said, her voice shaky, "the only people who would know about that are Clarisse, Grover, Tyson and..." she stared at me in shock, "Percy."

I smirked again. "It's actually Agent Kelp to those who are not family or friends," I said as I took off my eye patch, the disguise disintegrating as I did so.

"Is it really you, man?" Jason asked, staring at me in shock.

I was about to answer when a flash of light nearly blinded me. "Percy!" A familiar voice shrieked.

Wincing, I brought my hands up to cover my attacked ears. "Di immortales, Dove, can you not make me deaf?"

"Sorry, love," Aphrodite stooped to peck me on the cheek, "I'm just so excited."

Another flash of light nearly blinded me. "You should have been there, Perce, she nearly turned everything pink and spread designer perfume like it was the plague," it was Ares, he casually went to sit by his Roman counterpart's son on a couch with a popcorn bowl on his lap. "Had to stay there for a full hour until she calmed down enough to come see you."

Yet again, I was nearly blinded as Hephaestus popped in. "I think Artemis is still wearing that dress you put on her 'Dite, she can't get it off," he said, stealing some popcorn from his brother and dropping into an empty spot by his son. "You're going to be in for it when you get back."

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