Chapter 54:"I can survive on the ground."

Start from the beginning

"Brunette, dark eyes, mysteriously amazing smile, lots of fun, smart and full of fire and passion. Kind of like Bellatrix and yourself Raven." Rigel smiled leaning closer to Raven who almost howled with laughter as I only frowned trying to get what he meant. I knew he and Bellatrix would have spent a lot of time together but I didn't know to what extent.


I frowned as I watched all of Skaikru being hurled into the main area. My men acted harsh with them but I knew it was necessary. I waited patiently for Octavia and Indra to show up. I held no pity for them, no remorse. If I had to let 3/4ths of my people die, then they would get to do the same. Glancing down at the small child in the cot, he looked so sweet; I wondered how many years old he was. Who his parents were, there was so much to wonder about this young boy. If I had to guess I would say he was around 3 years old. Too young. I heard shouting in the distance and Indra showed up in my room, I knew it was time. Gripping my sword I slung it around my torso and followed Indra out to where Octavia was. I was horrified when I saw how they were handling Nylah. Charging forward with Octavia I got there first punching one of the men in the face and then I gripped a dagger and placed it against his neck as another of Trikru's soldiers got the other ones off her. "You touch her you die." I threatened in a low voice. "Nylah get over here." I ordered and she ran over to me and I then put my dagger back in its holster as she ran over and I placed my hand on her back.

"You're with me." Octavia informed her boldly and I watched Skaikru shaking my head.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"She's safe you now have one less spot to fill." Octavia commanded her sword to a man's throat as she looked around at her people.

"Octavia please you can stop this." Jaha begged stepping forward. "You're Skaikru, you're one of us." Jaha begged trying to manipulate Octavia into protecting the people he knew, he must have thought we were all savages here, he was no better.

"I'm one of you?" Octavia asked sneering as she slipped through the railing and she walked up to Jaha her eyes dark and her voice threatening. "You made me hide under the floor, you floated my mother, I'm not hiding now." Octavia brushed past him standing up where she could be seen by all of Skaikru.

"Don't do this." Jaha begged again.

"Everyone has chosen their survivors. Every other clan, Skaikru is no different, you have until midnight, choose or you all die." Octavia grit through her teeth looking around. My lips quirked into a smile and I directed Nylah out rubbing her back softly and I then saw Indra stop and I went standing beside her.

"You got something on your mind Indra?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I fear Skaikru will make things worse." Indra offered and I nodded.

"They always have haven't they? Ever since the day they landed on the ground. But these are Octavia's people; I doubt she will let them die. Indra, she's new at this, she'll need our help." I shared and she nodded slowly concern etching on her face.

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