CHAPTER 34:"Pain proves we are human. "

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We were currently all waiting for Jasper to arrive with Raven. Octavia got up and began packing her belongings. "O wait," Bellamy called out. It had been a none stop silent war between the two. And if I was being honest it annoyed me more than it should have. "You can't just leave." Bellamy called out.

"Watch me." Octavia spat.

"You heard what Jasper said on the radio, Arkadia is not safe." Bellamy called out.

"What Jasper said sounds insane." Octavia bit back annoyed.

"So does people falling from the sky. But it happened." I chimed in making Octavia glare at me with disbelief.

"Pike's gone, I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead." Octavia spat standing up.

"I know that." Bellamy sighed trying to get through to Octavia. I wanted to be there for the burning of Lincoln's body. He was like a brother to me. Had been my whole life. "And then what? Where are you going to go?" Bellamy tried.

"You don't get to ask me that." Octavia called out furiously.

"What do I have to do to prove I'm on your side?" Bellamy whispered desperately.

"Bring Lincoln back. Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys Bellamy. You did it to save me. Not because you thought what Pike was doing to the grounders, to your friends, was wrong." Octavia spat with as much venom as she could muster. Even I flinched. Glancing over at the siblings I knew hatred when I saw it. And this wasn't hatred I knew. This was grief. She needed someone to blame. Because without that, nothing could bring her back.

"The grounders were starving us out." Bellamy raised his voice trying to defend himself.

"After you massacred the army sent by Lexa to help you." I chimed in bitterness clouding my voice.

"That army could have attacked us at any moment." Bellamy yelled out.

"But they wouldn't have, Lexa wanted peace. I know my Heda." I bit back turning away from Bellamy.

"You were hurting and you lashed out, because that's what you do

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"You were hurting and you lashed out, because that's what you do. There are consequences Bell, people get hurt. People die, your people. Monroe is dead, Lincoln is dead," Octavia then stormed out of the cave. I watched as not too long as Raven was brought into the cave. Looking around I didn't believe there was some sort of chip that took over people's minds but I was open to see whatever Miller looked at me.

"Harper needs you to be a guard with her outside, check the perimeter of the cave, make sure Jasper wasn't followed." Miller ordered and I gripped my sword walking out into the forest thinking it was a bit cold and I had no jacket. Once I was done Clarke walked up to me.

"We are going to find a wrist band. You are coming with us." Clarke ordered and I nodded quickly.

"Sounds like fun." I bitterly commented getting into the Rover for the first time and I looked around sitting next to Jasper and Octavia awkwardly. Once it stopped I jumped out as quickly as I could.

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