Chapter 15

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Sorry if this is bad. I wasn't in the thinking mode. Ya know? Probably not, but it's whatever. Hope it's not too bad. Below is Melissa's thoughts as she walks home.


What just happened?! I honestly don't know! Louis was my first kiss, but Luke was my first real kiss. I do like Louis. He's really sweet, and I have been a total jerk to him for no reason. I've liked Luke for so long, but now he is reciprocating my feelings. Louis liked me first... I... think. But Luke, he's always been there; the mist just covered his eyes. Luke just kissed me. Luke just kissed me? Luke just kissed me? Luke just kissed me? Luke kissed me! Oh... My... Gosh. Luke just kissed me. 2 times! What's happening? Luke kissed me 2 times because he wanted to. In front of everybody. God has blessed me!! Thank you God!! I love you!!! Wait. What does that make us? Are we just friends? Are we good friends? Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Are we friends with benefits? Are we dating? What are we?! It happened. Luke likes me. Luke has the same feelings I do. After all these years I've waited, he likes me now of all times. When did this start? Was it after I became assistant coach? Was it after I wore that outfit? Was it after I started liking Louis? It was. Wait. Pause. Freeze! I kissed Louis. Louis kissed me. We kissed. Did Louis like me? Does he like me? What had I done? No. No! Luke. I have waited for Luke for 6 years. I am not gonna ruin that for some foggy feelings. Luke liked me. Nothing else matters. I don't care that my aunt is a cheater. I don't care if Louis likes me. I don't care that the park will be torn down. I don't care that Jess might be sleeping with a pedophile. I don't care that I'm wearing a dress and makeup walking around the town at 1 in the morning. Luke likes me. Luke James Spencer, of all people, likes me.


Sorry it's so short. I'm not in the thinking mood. I don't know. I know I don't have writers block cuz all the other ideas are in my head. Maybe I have thought block. I don't know. I'm writing the next chapter tomorrow and some today. I can't do the whole thing today cuz I have a bedtime 😑 parents. A 9:30 bedtime in high school is just stupid. Tbh my parents think I'm so smart but they never let me help out when it comes to electronics. I mean seriously, my mom wouldn't let me put the cable back on because she thinks there was something "wrong" with the cable box. I could've just changed the input and everything would've been fine but no she knows "everything" Well I gotta go study. I'll try to write a lil' but I don't know if I will be able to.

Thanks! Luv ya lots!!

~Natalie <3 :D

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