Best Change of My Life

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I walked to my locker quickly not wanting anyone to see my clothes. I opened my locker and got my extra clothes that I always kept in there, but just as I closed by locker door and was about to rush straight to the bathroom, he saw me. I froze almost ready to burst into tears as everyone else started laughing at me. Everything that I didn't want to happen happened. I ran to the bathroom trying to hide my tears, but everyone laughed even more. I was glad that I couldn't make out his laugh from all the others because if I could I wouldn't be able to live the rest of my life.

Jessica wondered why I was always depressed. If only she knew. She wouldn't understand; she has always been the popular type. Me, I'm a twig in a forest. If even the slightest thing makes me fall. I'm stepped on and broken. I truly think I've been broken ever since I began having a crush on him.

I changed in the handicap stall and stayed there 'til the bell rung and I knew everyone was gone. I would be the laughing stock of the whole school until they had something and someone else to make fun of. I know this might sound selfish but I hope someone does something stupid, so the attention isn't on me. I dragged myself slowly but surely to my Physics class. When I opened the door, all eyes were on me, of course.

"Do you have a tardy slip Ms. Paine?" Mr. Prescott asked me.

"No, sir,"

"You know the rules. Detention after school."

I wasn't one to care much about detentions. My mom understood; she always said, "You gotta live your life. It doesn't matter; it's in the past."I think she got the last part from Lion King... whatever. That was what I loved about my mom, she understood what being in high school was like.

I dreaded Physics as always. I thought that mixing my favorite subject with my least favorite subject would make the class easier, but it didn't it just made things worse. It dragged on, the same routine: be laughed at, go to class, be laughed at, go to class, eat, be laughed at, go to class. Finally it was the end of the day, I was so glad to be able to go home. The final bell rang; a light bulb lit in my head, not a good one. Detention. Ugh! I went into the tiny class room with people in every chair but one. I sat down in the chair, pacing back and forth in my mind waiting for the 2 hours to be over. I felt someone staring at me but I didn't dare look. I tried to study, but someone was burning a whole into my head with their staring. I closed the book loudly to get their attention off me but the staring was not phased. I pulled the courage to find who was staring at me. When I saw the person I couldn't help but smile.

I knew his face well. He wasn't my crush, and I was glad. He was my crush's enemy. The captain of the soccer team. I don't know why I hadn't fallen for him before. I guess I never noticed him or his smile. The thing was I had never seen his real smile. The smile that could light up the entire world. The light that lit up my world. From that day on I never stopped loving him. I felt something in the pit of my stomach. Butterflies, the good ones. I don't know how, but I immediately stopped having a crush on Luke, the guy I had a crush on for six years, never to be seven. It was the best change of my life.

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