Chapter 7

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When I woke up it was 1:21. I still needed to do homework. I pulled my backpack onto the bed and unzipped it. I immediately grabbed my phone from it's personal pocket and looked at my notifications. I had a message from Louis that read "R we on 4 2moro" I laughed at his text language. It was so stupid, yet adorable. I couldn't do it. I liked him, but I hated him. I hated that he made me like him. I replied saying "I'm so sorry, but this week is not the best for me." I couldn't help, but think to ask him if he would scrimmage against me. He was a total jock, but I had played soccer until I was like 12. The only other people that knew that were my parents, my aunt and uncle, Lily, Justin, and... Luke, my ex-crush. Luke played soccer on the team with Louis. We had been friends for about 5 years. But once we were in high school, we slowly drifted apart. I now at the moment don't really have any friends, unless you count Jessica. Jessica was my acquaintance/friend. I told my aunt and uncle that we were friends, but I only said that, so they thought I had a friend. I decided that I wouldn't ask Louis.

My stomach grumbled as I walked down the stairs as quietly as I could. "Sssshhhhh!" I told my stomach. I had finished my homework and was looking for a midnight snack. Really it was dinner, because I hadn't eaten since lunch. Lunch had been like 12 hours ago. When I reached the kitchen a plate was set out for me. Awesome pasta!! I sat on the counter waiting for the microwave to beep. How can I stop the construction? How can I, a weird, stupid, annoying, disagreeable teenager stop the governor from stealing my childhood memories? I will go through thick and thin to stop this. I'll do it. It doesn't matter to me if no one sided with me. I couldn't care less. I will do this all by myself if I have to. I was pulled from my thoughts by the beeping of the microwave. I ate my dinner as slowly as I could, not wanting to waste such a good meal. I would have to thank Aunt May for this. That reminded me. I looked at the time. Not only had I spent 2 and a half hours doing homework I had also been eating for 45 minutes. It was 4:34 AM. I decided not to waste the last hour and thirty minutes I had left to sleep. I went to my room and flopped onto bed. My bed felt lonely, I felt like I was missing something. I probably was missing those memories in the park. It took me half an hour to fall asleep.

My stupid alarm went off, startling me so much that I nearly fell off the bed. I turned off my alarm and climbed out of bed. I actually slept better than I thought I would. I took my phone out from under my pillow. I hadn't expected to see a text from Louis, but it saddened me when I saw that he hadn't responded yet. OMG!! I need to stop thinking about him. But maybe he liked me. Even though I rejected him, he still kept trying. He probably was upset that I rejected him again. I need to stop thinking about him and focus on the real problem at hand. The park. It was only 6:02, and I didn't need to be at school until 7:45. I decided to ask Justin to drive me to school again. I wouldn't ask him now; to him this was WWWAAAAYYYY to early to be bothered for a drive to school. I opened my laptop. The Highland Oak Park page was still opened. I'm going to make a flyer. I copied the park logo onto word. I used underlining to make spaces for signatures to stop the construction. This petition was only the beginning of what was in store for the governor.

"Help us stop the destruction of Highland Oak Parks!" I tried giving out flyers to everyone, but was constantly pushed away. No way was I going to be pushed around by these, these... TEENAGERS!!!! Now I know how our parents feel. Ooh, light bulb! I'm going to give a speech at assembly, and I'll staple the flyers to the cork boards outside every class. I may get in trouble, but I don't care. I'm doing this for the children well... and myself. This is not a selfish act. the only selfish act about this was the governor's decision of ruining such a beautiful place for a meeting hall. We already have a town hall; we don't need another hall for people to complain at. That is definitely going into my speech. Now I'll just talk to Principal Moore about letting me hold an assembly to raise awareness of the park destruction.

I walked to the front office. I put on a proud yet concerned face before I walked in. I opened the door seeing the secretary on the phone. This would take a while. I should just come back later, maybe during lunch. No. I have to do this now.

"Okay, thank you, b-bye." Wow that was quicker than I thought.

"May I speak with Principal Moore, it is urgent."

"He is on call right now. I can schedule for a meeting with him in about... 2 weeks."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "I don't have 2 weeks! I need to see him now!!"

"He is not available at the time. Would you like me to leave him a message?"

"Yes, actually I would. Tell him that I said"

I will save you from the profanities.

"How dare you say that to me?!"

"The past," I ran to the principal's door and turning back said, "is in the past!"

I opened the door not caring anymore. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Ms. Paine, what are you doing in my office?!"

I had just seen my principal kissing my aunt. Is this what she has been doing, when she said she was working overtime? This can't be happening!

"What the hell! Aunt May what are you doing? How could you do this to Uncle Ben? Is this what you call work? No, I don't want to know. I hope you're happy!!" Everything came out of my mouth so quickly. I wasn't able to comprehend what had just happened. I walked away blocking out everything. I didn't hear anything after that. I walked. I threw away all the hands that tried to grab my arm. I kept walking no matter what. I walked out of the school, bumping into everyone I could. I didn't care about anything. I stopped dead in my tracks, to pull out my phone. I sat on the ground, holding my knees. What just happened back there. I had gone there to stop something, but all I did was start something new.

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