Chapter 6

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Everyone stared at me full of awe. I heard many cat whistles which I ignored, flipping my hair. I wanted to smile, but if I did it would mess up my whole feel. I felt like the queen of high school.This wasn't what I wanted from my favorite outfit. I wanted Louis to notice me. But it did feel good to be stared at like I was beautiful. I saw Louis ten feet from. Here come the butterflies. Wow, he is so gorgeous. I could stare at him forever. Standing in the middle of a hallway in high school is not the best idea. I tripped on my wedges falling into the lockers. Great idea Melissa! Embarrass yourself right in front of him. Smooth, just smooth. Ow, my head hurts now.

Louis POV:

I heard the lockers rattle. When I looked over, I saw Melissa on the floor. I walked over to her and helped her up.

"Thanks," she said.

"No problem. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." An awkward silence was in order.

I interrupted the silence saying, "You look great, by the way."

"Thanks." She was rubbing the back of her head.

"Are you sure you're okay? Is your head okay?"

"Yeah, just a small bump." I felt the place where she was rubbing. She was right. "You should put an ice pack on there, so the swelling goes down."

"Note taken, well I better get to class, I don't want another detention."

"Yeah, I'll see you around."


I nodded my head and walked away to my locker. How could I be so stupid! I'm gonna go die in a hole now. I can't. I need to be with him. He'll never like me the way I like him. He probably doesn't even like me. A girl can dream right? I grabbed my extra set of clothes and shoes then stuffed my books into my backpack. I went into the bathroom and changed into an old Linkin Park t-shirt and Old Navy skinny jeans. It didn't matter that I would be late to class; it was that time of the month and teachers never really argued with that.

I walked into Physics, avoiding all eye contact and ignoring anything that came out of Mr. Prescott's mouth. I just gave him the note and walked to my desk. Without removing his eyes from me, Mr. Prescott opened the note. He read the note nodding his head. I opened my notebook and doodled a bunch of hearts and stuff.I always drew during classes I didnt like. Which were pretty much all of them. After school I would ask people to send me their notes. I have always been a bad note taker anyway.

The day dragged on with English 2, Geometry Honors, AP Human Geography, French 2, Gym, and lunch. My least favorite was Physics, which I'm glad is in the morning, so I can get it over with. Louis had Gym and French with me, but I stayed as far away as I could from him. I had embarrassed myself in front of him. I couldn't even look at him without hating the fact that I liked him. I hate liking a guy who probably thinks I'm retarded or a freak. I don't care anymore; from now on I'm Miss Independent. If people want me they have to fight for me.

I walked out of the hall into the light of day. Now all I had to do was walk home on this beautiful day. As I started my walk home, I heard a voice call out my name.

"Melissa!" Louis shouted to me.

I squinted my eyes in pain. Turning around I said, "Hey"

He walked to me saying, "Hey, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to study for the French test with me."

"I'm actually busy today, sorry."

I started to walk away but he said, "How 'bout tomorrow?"

"I... I'll take a raincheck."

"Okay. Can I... uh... get your number?"

I tried to hide a smile. I shouldn't be smiling; I should be upset, but how could I be upset with such a beautiful human being. Stop! No I'm upset!! I can't reject him. He'll think I hate hime. I'll give him my number, but I won't wait for his text.

"Yeah, sure. Can I see your phone?"

"Yeah, here." He handed me his phone.

I added a new contact typing in my number. I made sure my contact name was Melissa Paine. No hearts or smilies. A formal address, so he didn't get the wrong idea. I gave him his phone.


"Great, thanks."



Glad that's over. On my way home I walked past the park where I grew up. On the other side of the park was a large machine that I couldn't make out. I looked to see if anyone was watching me. I started slowly to walk towards the machine. When I finally could make out the machine, I felt broken. The governor was going to make the park into a meeting hall. My whole childhood would be ruined. In one week the memories I had there would be stripped from me. Tears formed in my eyes. I had to stop this.

I ran home as quickly as I could. Almost falling with the tears that I shed. Once I was home I threw my backpack onto the couch. I ran to laptop in my room. I ripped open the laptop. How could they do this. How could they steal my memories from right under my nose. I was not gonna let this happen. I looked at the parks website. No, no! This couldn't be happening. I still remember building my first ever snowmen right in that park. It didn't matter to the adults that their children had such fond memories of that place. The adults only cared about the government. What killed me looking at the Highland Oak Park website was the fact that I had no say in what was to happen to my childhood memories. That park was and is my life. This is not going to happen. I'll protest, start a petition, raise funds for the park to be kept open. I'd do anything to save those bittersweet memories.

I closed my laptop. All thoughts of anything else vanished from my mind. I climbed onto my bed. I was in shock. I decided to sleep. I couldn't do homework or write my story. All I could do was sleep. And that's exactly what I did. I didn't dream. I didn't think. I didn't even move.

All I did was sleep.


I think this is the longest chapter I have written so far. I'm upset because every other fanfic chapter is like 50 pages long. Mine is barely three pages. Watever, I still love writing!

Thanks! Luv ya lots!!

~Natalie <3 :D

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