Chapter 10

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"Pssh, fine, but don't cry when I beat you." he said rolling his eyes.

"Don't cry when you fall on your butt." I said mockingly.

"Are we seriously gonna do this?" Louis asked.

"Yah I guess we are." I said.

"Okay time to pick your teams. Ladies first." Coach said.

"Luke." Me and Luke. Yes. We know each other so well.












My team put on the sweaty pennies. Then gathered around for positions.

"Jack, you're goalie. We are gonna do a 3-1-2 formation. Danny mid-defender. Jonas and Paul defense you guys can figure out what side. Luke midfielder. Trevor left forward and I'm right forward. Communicate, attack, defend, and be aggressive. Break."

"Wow, Melissa. You're a real leader. How come you never showed that in middle school." Luke said to me.

"I wasn't really good at expressing my feelings. I've never been good at that."


"Alright, captains. Coin toss. Derek you're home so call it." Coach said. Coach threw it up. As it flew in the air Derek said, "Heads." It landed on the ground. "Tails. Ball or side."

I replied with a smile, "Ball."

We all got into our positions. I stared down my opponent with confidence. Luke laughed at my pleasure. The whistles blow unleashed my adrenaline. I ran straight towards him. I could see the fear in his eyes as I closed in on him. Just as I was about to ram into him I turned my hips picking up my foot stealing the ball away from him. I did a 360 dribbling the ball then passing it to Trevor. Luke called from behind me, "Number 2!" Only I knew what that meant. It was a plan we made when we were younger. Luke ran forward into my position and I ran to his. I called for Trevor to pass the ball to me. I ran toward the ball receiving it then passing it in front of Luke. As Luke had just gotten near the ball he passed it to me in front of the goal close enough for me to kick it in. As I approached the ball, I was pushed to ground from behind. The weight of Derek on me hurt. It hurt too much. Coach blew the whistle.

"Get the hell off of me you idiot!" I screamed into his ear. He climbed off of me. I got up whipping the dirt and grass from my once clean shirt.

"Aw, did the poor princess get a boo boo? Hahaha!" I hate that kid so much!

"No, I just didn't want your fat ass on me! What the hell was that about anyways?!"

"You mean being aggressive? It's what you do in soccer. Be aggressive. I thought you would know that."

"What the fuck man! What is your problem?!" Luke said defending me. He's defending me? That's so sweet.

"I'm sorry your girlfriend can't handle a hit."

"First of all she is a lot stronger than you! And second she isn't my girlfriend."

I cringed at his words.

"Well she definitely wants you to be."

"What?! Listen here you little fucker. Once this game is over you won't have anything to prove that your a guy because I will beat your ass so bad! You don't know anything about me, so you can't assume shit. I don't give a fuck about what you think you know. You don't know jack shit." Everyone was surprised at what I had said. They've obviously never seen me this upset.

"Woah... Melissa, calm down." Luke said holding my shoulders. I took a breath as he let go. I walked to the sideline.

"I gotta go, anyways." I said grabbing my bag.

"I thought you were gonna beat my ass."

"This game isn't over." I walked away leaving them behind to deal with their coach.

Louis POV:

She left. Now we had coach to deal with.

"Derek! What were you thinking?! I'm done with you. You are gonna set up all the equipment every single practice for the rest of the season. An-"


"I'm not finished speaking! You will wash everyone's uniforms after every game. Not only will you apologize to Melissa, but you will do it here, in front of the whole team. Do you understand?"

"But, Coach!"

"I said 'Do you understand?'!"

"Yes sir."

"Go home," he yelled to all of us.

We walked into the locker rooms and grabbed all of our stuff.

As we were walking out Luke said "Nice job, idiot, you pissed off coach."

Derek slammed his fist into the locker.

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