Chapter 3

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I daydreamed about a perfect world where I wouldn't be considered weird, and Louis and I could be together. The timer startled me bringing me out of my dream. I quickly grabbed by things and got up, bumping into Louis.

"I'm so sorry!" I said.

"Oh no, It's my fault, I should've seen you getting up."

"Don't blame yourself, you should be blaming me for getting in your way,"

"I'm not gonna blame you for something that's not your fault."

"Really? Well your not like most guys."

"Is that good?"

"It's great," I said with a smile.

There was a silence in the room. It wasn't awkward; it was kind of romantic. It was broken by Mrs. Jax.

"Don't you both have somewhere to be that isn't here." She wasn't one of the nicer teachers. Louis and I left the room giving each other a look saying 'Okay, don't have to be so rude about it'. Once we were at a safe distance from Mrs. Jax, Louis said

"I... uh better get going. See ya 'round?"

"Yeah, bye!"

He walked towards his car but gave me a smile before getting in and driving away. I lived close by, so I walked home as usual.

Let me tell you about my family before I go on. I have an older brother, a younger sister, an aunt, and an uncle. I know what your thinking. Oh her parents died. No. I am adopted. My parents are in jail. They were never married. They say that if they got married, they would probably kill each other. They tried to when they were dating, but my sister had just learned to call 911, and the rest you should be able to figure out yourself. I share a room with my 11 year old sister. You know how 11 year olds are: nosey, annoying, and they think they are almost teenagers. What kids don't realize is that being a teen is horrible. Not everyone will like you and there will be people that are evil. Dating is not a thing you should be looking forward to until you turn like 16. My older brother and I don't get along well. He and I don't talk much, but we do love each other. (I have to love him because he's my ride everywhere that is more than half an hour walk away from my house)

I walked into the house, ran to say hi to my uncle, then went to my room to keep writing my story. I finished the chapter and posted it on twitter. I had a twitter account that I used to help people that thought less of themselves. I didn't want them to be like me. Some people can't take their own advise. I'm one of those people. Lily walked in, and being the nosey girl she was tried to look at my phone and asked what I was doing. "Nothing that concerns you." "Okay," she said walking to her computer. Not a laptop, a computer with a monitor. I'm glad she got a hand-me-down from me. All I ever got was hand-me-downs. That was until I turned 13. I finally got rights, something I never had before.


The chapters are a lot shorter than I thought they would be. Sorry!

Thanks! Luv ya lots!!

~Natalie <3 :D

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