Chapter 12

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I walked into the school embarrassed. I hope no one else knows about what happened. I may as well just give up on the park. Wait a minute... maybe I can blackmail Mr. Moore into helping me. I could do that, but every time I look at him; I'll see that moment. I shuddered at the thought.

C'mon, I heard from the back of my mind. Don't you wanna save the park? Why do I have to be so stubborn. Yes, I wanna save the park, but blackmail isn't the best way to go. It's the only way. It would have been a lot easier if Aunt May was sleeping with the governor, so I could blackmail him. Did that thought just cross my mind?! Ugh, I hate this. I slumped into my seat next to Harry.

I never sit next to Harry because I'm usually so shy, but everything has changed.

"Hey," I say as I pull out my notebook.

"Hi?" he says confused.

"What? Am I too weird to talk to you?"

"No, I just never thought you would want to talk to me. You rarely talk to anyone anyways."

"Things change. People can change too."

"Rarely for the better."

"Well I'm the same me just different. Don't worry I'm not trying to be your bestie. I just wanted to say hi."

"Well, hi."

I looked away from him and started to doodle in by notebook. All of a sudden, I hear a clang. When I look up I see everyone looking out of the door window. I stand up like everyone else and look at what is outside. Mr. Prescott is outside trying to keep his papers from falling and leaning on the lockers, looking as if he had fallen. I pushed everyone out of my way receiving glares and rude comments. I opened the door and ran out to help my least favorite teacher. I picked up the papers then held them out to him.

"Thank you," he said taking the papers from my hand.

"No problem" I replied.

I walked into the classroom pushing everyone out of my way. I quickly sat in my seat and started to doodle. I wrote what I knew how to do well. M+L=❤️ I wrote it in my best cursive. Do you think it's coincidental that my favorite cursive letter is L? I don't; it's just really pretty. Harry looked over at my paper.

"Who's L?" He asked like a nosey little sister.

I immediately closed my notebook.

"Um... Just people... In a book... I'm writing." I responded.

"Mmmhhhmm. Sure. Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive." I said quickly.

"Alright. Whatever you say."

After that I paid attention during the class to avoid anymore questions. The funny thing is, I actually understood what he said. Crazy right? Paying attention pays off for once.

I was walking to my locker when I heard Luke call to me.

"Hey, Melissa!" He called averting a group of guys pushing each other around.


"What's going on?"

I wanted to tell him everything. My Aunt is cheating on my uncle. The park is being torn down. I really like you, but I don't want to get to close to you again because I'm scared that I'll become too clingy, or you'll push me away, or you will eventually forget me. Louis is really cool, but me being my idiot self became a total bitch and hated him for something that isn't even his fault.

"Nothing much. I'm pretty excited for the game."

"Ya, me too. We are going to beat them so bad that they'll cry for their mommies." He mimicked a crying baby. I just laughed at how funny his face looked. I missed the times that Luke made me laugh. It was something I had grown fond of. Seeing him smile back at me wasn't something I saw often nowadays.

"There is this party that I'm going to today. You wanna come with me?"

"Uhhh..." I was contemplating wether I would rather work on the saving of the park or maybe write some more of my story, but I really could use a night away from all the shit I was going through. "Ya sure, why not?"

"Cool beans," this was a phrase he developed as a child and never let go of.

I couldn't hold in my little chuckle and I received a joking glare from him.

"What? Is that funny? Is there something funny about that Ms. Paine?"

"No, just that you still say that."

"You still remember that?" He said beginning to blush.

"Yeah, I remember the time I asked where you got that from."

"I don't know, I just say it ya know?"

"That's like exactly what you said, when I asked." I recieved a chuckle from him. "You are still the indecisive little boy you used to be." He fake gasped pretending to be hurt. I just laughed like we never stopped being best friends. Since when did he start being my good friend again? When did this start? Was he trying to recoup our relationship? I don't mind, but why now when all hell is breaking loose. If he had been there for me like in middle school would this never of happened? Could that relationship never failing be the cure to all the pain I would get? I just don't get it. The bell rang breaking my thoughts.

"So I'll see ya there?" He said glaring at me questioningly.

"Yes!" I said feeling happy that I could spend my day having fun. Real fun that most teenagers had at parties. I grabbed my books and headed to class nodding my head thinking about the great time I would have tonight.

"Cool." He walked away I'm guessing pretty smug that he got a bore like me to go to a party.


What is this????? Lukissa? Muke? Lelissa? Lulissa? I really want some more Louissa action here. So I've decided that if Luke and Melissa ever kiss I will write LUKISSA in parentheses.

So sorry I haven't updated. I had a lot of crap going on and then I promised for Lent that I wouldn't use Wattpad. What??!??!?!? IKR. I was so stupid to do that, but in a way it helped me stay on track. I'm so so so sorry, but thanks for the reads and hope you like it so far. I'm going to make another fanfic but it'll be a Zayn one. (Hopefully) Zayn I want to be the sweetie pie and Liam will be the player player. I just want to do something different then expected. Ya know? Well hopefully I'll update early next week but then again I might die from seeing the new Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie 2 times in one weekend, so you never know.

Thanks! Luv ya lots!!

~Natalie <3 :D

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