Chapter 33

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"Well that is going to be memorable" I said to Severus as we walked around the garden. He chuckled lightly and smiled at me. He stopped walking and halted me with him. He lifted my chin with his index finger and kissed me passionately. Butterflies enveloped my stomach and my legs turned to jelly. My heat beat wildly and my head spun. It's crazy this happens every single time he kisses me. I pulled back and rested my hands on his chest. "You better not let Lucius seeing you do that" I said smiling at him. He smirked and kissed my nose lightly. "Come on" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him back in the house. He followed behind me like a puppy. I looked around making sure it was clear before dragging him up to my room. "You know I think you're right Lucius will kill me if he sees me up here" Severus said while looking around my room. I laughed and laid down on my bed. Sev was looking at my walls completely confused. I laughed when I saw his eyebrows furrowed together so cutely. "What?" I asked snickering. "Why do you have pictures of transvestites on your walls" he asked. I laughed hardly and dropped back on my bed. I knew what he meant though, Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy did sometimes look like woman. "They're not transvestites they're musicians" I said. "Well they look like women to me" he said. I rolled my eyes and laughed quietly. "Make yourself at home" I said indicating his sudden awkwardness. He looked at me and smirked playfully. "This is not exactly my idea of a home" he teased. I scoffed and flipped him off teasingly. "Stop being such a git" I joked. Then I heard a wonderful sound come out of his mouth, a laugh. It was very rare when I heard that sound. It was like music to my ears. I couldn't resist I stood up and walked over to him. Once I got there I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly. He moved his hands to the small of my back deepening the kiss. I heard someone snicker and when I turned my head there was Draco. "Get out of here you little pustule!!" I yelled a him. "Make me" he said sticking his tongue out at me. I pulled out of Sev's grasp and went to go and grab him, but Severus grabbed my arm, holding me back. "Mr.Malfoy I propose you leave before I take 50 points away from Slytherin" he said raising an eyebrow at Draco. "Yes sir" Draco said as he left the room. "Why does he listen to you and not me?" I pouted. "Because dear I'm mean and you're, well you're soft" he said smirking. "I am not" I argued. He smirked at me "Oh yes you are" he said in a condescending voice. "I'll show you" I smiled crossing my arms. "Oh will you now?" he said stepping closer to me and leaning in for a kiss. I put a finger on his puckered lips. "Uh uh, I'll see you tomorrow" I said pushing him out of my room and closing the door. I heard him groan and laughed as I turned on some of my music. I laid down and slowly fell asleep on my soft bed. I was going to need it. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

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