Chapter 6 OMG I Have A Crush On Him

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When I woke up I was in the hospital wing, how I got there, I have no clue. My whole body was drained of every ounce of energy it contained. I felt so tired and incredibly sick. I heard a squeal come from my right and saw Madame Pomfrey shuffling to the door.
"Of my goodness you're awake I must go and get the professors!!!" she said before disappearing out of the large oak doors. Not even one minute later I was surrounded my 5 of my professors, Dumbledore, Flitwick, McGonagall, Sprout, and Snape. I'm going to be honest I was surprised to see him there.
"How're you doing?" Professor Flitwick questioned taking a hold of my cold hand.
" I'm extremely tired, Professor" I said yawning. My words made Dumbledore chuckle lightly at me.
"Well I would expect so, I would be too if I had used that much power" He said. I gave him a weak smile it's all I could muster up at the moment due to my lack of energy.
"Good thing Professor Snape saw you collapse and brought you up here" McGonagall said as she squeezed the hand Flitwick wasn't holding onto for dear life and gave me a reassuring smile that anyone rarely saw. I looked over at him and gave him a sweet smile.
" Thank you, professor" I said truly sincere and it was evident in my voice. He gave me a quick nod and smirked at me, the smirk yelled insolent child, but his eyes held true concern in them. Since when has he ever been concerned about a student, especially that wasn't even in his house, Slytherin.
"I wasn't in any danger, was I?" I questioned completely confused. Like he read my mind, Dumbledore said. " You sent off a great amount of power Miss Black, you're body had an extremely tough time taking that all in and you could've passed on if you hadn't been given the reviving potion we had in stock, not even an experienced wizard as I could've handled that much power"
"Oh, I definitely owe you Professor Snape, I truly owe you my life" I said gratefully.
"No need Miss Black I wouldn't want to see my best potions student die" he said in that velvety voice of his that turned me on so much. It sounded like music to my ears. WAIT!!!!! Why would I ever think that about one of my professors, especially SNAPE!! He obviously saw me blush at his compliment because he had that same smug smirk he always has. I quickly covered my burning cheeks with my long, dark hair. God he looked good when he smirked though, I wish I could just feel his body against mine. HOLY SHIT!!!! I have a crush on my potions master!!!!Oh how I'd love to go die in a dark, deep hole that was uncharted and no one could ever find me.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now