Chapter 32

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I looked at her and she looked back at me. Her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were wide. I'd just told Cissy who I was with. "S-severus?" she stuttered out. "Yes" I said quietly. "You're serious" she said in awe. "Yes I'm very serious" I said looking at her seriously. She stared at me for a little longer before smiling widely at me. "You know he is a bit older then you, but at least I know he's a good man. I can't promise you your Uncle Lucius will take the news as well, but he'll get over it" she rambled on smiling at me. "I'm so happy you approve!!" I yelled jumping on her lap and hugging her tightly. "Sweetheart I approve of anything you do. I'd even approve if you chose to marry that Weasley boy" she said hugging me. "Why are you girls screeching?" My uncle Lucius said as he walked into the room with Severus and Draco right behind him. "Our dear Kayci has a boyfriend" Cissy said suggestively. I stood up and I could feel my face turning red. "Yes well I think I should have a say on who this man is" he said like the protective family member he is. "Well he's very sweet" I said nervously. "I don't care if he's sweet, who is he?" he demanded. I glance at Sev silently begging for him to save me. He looked at me smirking before walking over and kissing me tenderly. Instantly I melted into the kiss. Before I knew it Sev was being pulled off of me by Lucius. He slammed him against the wall and held him there by the throat. "How dare you" he growled at Severus. "Uncle Lucius quit it!" I yelled as I pulled him off of Severus. Severus rubbed his throat then straightened out his cloak. "I am sorry of this comes as a shock to you Lucius, but I am in a very healthy relationship with your niece and we are very happy" he said calmly. Even though he could've been incredibly angry, I would've been. "Since when?" he said quietly sitting down in a chair. "A few months" I said. "Does he treat you right?" he asked me. "Way better then Marcus ever did" I said strongly. Lucius nodded his head. "Do you plan marrying my niece?" he asked Severus. Severus and I looked at each other and then started rambling. I saw Lucius smile then he put up a hand to stop us from talking. "I'll say this once and only once Severus. Kayci is a very special and very powerful young woman. If you hurt her don't think I'll hesitate to kill you. I do not care if I go to Azkaban. I'd do anything for my family." he said sternly. "I would never hurt her" he said. My Uncle Lucius nodded then stood up, shook Severus' hand and then came over to me. He gave me a slight nod then hugged me tightly. I took in every second of the hug. I rarely got a hug from. He rarely showed his love for his family. But we all knew he loved us terribly.

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