"I know. It's who you are," Sansa's tone was annoyed, but there was a faint smile on her face. "Come back to me and I'll marry you as soon as the war is over."

Raya blinked, "Really?"



"Uncle," Raya said grabbing Tyrion's attention. The shorter man turned and frowned when he saw his niece.

"Despite not seeing eye to eye this entire trip, I am concerned about sending you to King's Landing," Tyrion told her.

"I am a Lannister and a Baratheon. There's nothing to be worried about."

Tyrin chuckled, "I hope you'll say that to your mother."


The journey to King's Landing was long and unfamiliar coming from Dragonstone. Raya knew that she would not be taking a boat back to Dragonstone for she hated travel by sea. Which meant she wouldn't be returning to Dragonstone.

The stench of King's Landing filled her nose and Raya couldn't help but smile. It had been her home once. She, Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen had each been born here. Now there was only two of them left.

The walk to the Red Keep was a long one, and she was surprised to see her Uncle Jaime standing before the Keep.

"Uncle Jaime?" Raya questioned as she grew nearer. He smiled at her, holding his arms wide. Raya giggled as she embraced her Uncle.

"My have you grown," Jaime muttered into her hair.

Raya pulled away from Jaime and met his eyes, "How's Tommen?"

Jaime's smile fell, "It's been hard."

"Can I see him," she meant to add and my mother, but she knew that their paths would cross eventually.

Jaime nodded, "Of course."

He led her through the Keep, where Lannister guards stood, their eyes seemed to widen as they saw Raya, but they didn't say a word.

"How'd you know I was coming?" Raya asked as they reached the door to Tommen's old bedchambers. Jaime dismissed the guards, telling them to wait at the end of the hall.

Jaime smiled, "Tyrion sent a raven. Your mother doesn't know though."

"I'd like to keep it that way, at least until I've seen Tommen."

Jaime nodded, "Very well," he pointed to the door, "He's inside."

Raya thanked him before turning to face the door. She listened as Jaime's boots echoed down the hall with each step her took.

Taking in a deep breath she knocked on the door. She heard shuffling before the door swung open to reveal her brother. He now towered over her and his golden hair had grown long and well past his eyes. She noticed the rings around his eyes, Tommen's once jovial face looked ill now.

"Raya," his muttered. She could tell that his vice had deepened as well.

"Little brother," Raya said with a small smile, "Or should I say my King?"

Tommen stared at her, unmoving. Raya knew he had been through a lot, he was no longer the sweet boy she once knew.

"You're a traitor," he stated in a low voice, "You abandoned your family, and declared yourself an enemy of the throne. You stole my queen from me. I should have you killed."

Raya didn't know what to say.

Tommen scoffed, "Get out of here, before I make an example of you."

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