Chapter 27: Farewell

Start from the beginning

"And not enough to hold us, shame..."

I give Damion a playful glare as I wrap an arm only reaching half of Damion's back. Actually I'm positioned between Edward and (Y/n) while Damion over there surprisingly positioned beside Edward instead of his sister. Honestly this can be a great opportunity for me but (y/n) seems off. I feel her jealousy grow between Damion and Edward,coz obviously she and Damion were always together but then ever since that prom night Damion seemed to be more attached to Edward, so it's understandable.

~The underside is lighter when you turn it around~

Your POV
Only a few more days left and Dark and I are currently doing a ritual on both of our graduation speeches. This ritual is the somewhat way so the students will loose such memories of us, even for those whom we've met. Oh right, you might think we've forgotten about Edgar but no sir he's still lurking around. And by lurking I mean he's just there being unnoticed but surprisingly he's been nice to us lately. When times come that the boys have to settle something and the twins are busy as well, he's just there, like a somewhat temporary companion but honestly he's good.


"So (y/n), I heard you're moving out after graduation?"

"Yeah guess we are. So how have you been?"

"Good, honestly thanks for asking..."


"Yeah...thanks by the way...ya know?"

"For what?"

"Well, you changed me, fully and I guess I don't know how to repay you..."

"Your company is enough, thanks"

"No honestly you wouldn't mind would you?"

"Wouldn't mind what?"

There he pulled out a small box with a small necklace with a pentagram pendant. I smiled as Edgar gave me a friendly hug. This was only one of the favors he gave me. Sometimes he would embarrassing himself in front of class simply for my entertainment but yeah he became a good friend. It just breaks me to see that nobody will even remember how big our impact is to the school.

~Everything stays, right where you left it
Everything stays, but it still changes~

Dark Jr.'s POV

We're leaving soon and I have some of our stuff packed already. What's left for now are our hygenic stuff and all of that stuff. (Y/n) and I are currently driving to Sam's house and pick him up for the upcoming graduation party tonight. This week has been rough, rougher than the first time we came in here to settle. Every night I think to myself...

'What could've happened if we didn't come here at all?'

~Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways, where everything stays~

"Good afternoon fellow students, dear teachers, and our beloved principal... This is actually the first time I have been required to make a speech and it's true when they say that it's nerve racking. I only feel slightly better knowing that I am not the only person around who may be feeling apprehensive and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead, but then again, all of us could be leaving each other for good...

I have had the great fortune of knowing each of you for a year now. We've mucked about with each other just like how friends should.

And all the time we've spent together means that we have had as much of a part in developing our sense of humour as anyone. So, whilst I have tried to make this speech funny, it's our fault if it's not.

I have very fond memories of spending time with each of you. I've been some peeps's partner in crime on many wild occasions and, in quieter times, a close confidant to whom he could tell almost anything. And I do mean anything - which has provided me with ample material for my speech this afternoon.

Over this year we've built a group of friends and family together, had fun together, played video games together, been super lazy together, tried to chat up girls together, or vice versa...and of course occasionally got drunk together and now we are sharing a top table together.

And like all friends, we've certainly had our downs as well as our ups. Most of us are found somewhere at the back of the school smoking, some of us on a cafeteria table doing some homework...we all have our own lives but now that we stand here I suppose we now live as one...a connection between each of us... I don't even know what I'm doing on this stage because in a few months this will just be forgotten so...

Ladies and gentlemen, on a final and serious note, let's be forward, and raise our caps, throw them up in the air, and let's be free once more!"

As the students threw their caps up, everything started to fade... where'd they go? Back to their houses of course... thinking that such was just a dream. Of course, Edward and Sam weren't affected at all by the spell. A tear rolls down my cheek as I stand by the field before me. I take in a deep breath and shake my head.

For now, we're almost done placing the last box on top of our ride, of course we had to modify such so all of our stuff could fit. Tears roll down my cheek as I look back at the somewhat faded house. I look behind me seeing Sam standing there without his eye patch. I bite my lips and run to him, hugging him close.

"I'll miss you..."

After one last kiss from him, I had no other choice but to leave as the house faded, no longer in existence. Here I am in the backseat now, looking at the view behind me, Sam waving at us, tears in his eyes until his silhouette left the horizon. Dark had to keep his tears to himself, for he was driving. I sit there, every memory flashing back before my eyes, the first time we got to school, the play we had, the parties the school held...our first kiss...all those times that we were together...

Soon he shifted as our ride got sucked into a portal, landing once more back in the demon realm. I look around as I wipe my tears, retouching my makeup as I know some certain people has prepared for our return. And there it was, the castle that I thought I missed, my mind not washing off the memories of him as I look down at the ring that he gave me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath one more time as my door was opened by of course, my dear brother.

"Hey... I'll miss him too..."

He gave me one last hug as we walked down the carpeted ground. I stand in between my brothers, taking in deep breaths as the crowd cheered for our return. And there he is...father... standing with a straight posture and hands behind his back as he smiled widely.

"Welcome children..."

In the Eyes of a Demon (A Septiceye X Reader Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now