Chapter 7: Questions

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Me and my brother went to the dining room to eat. We ate our dinner in silence, actually it was too quiet and it was getting uncomfortable, so I started talking.

"Dad, you haven't specifically answered my question from earlier..."

" I did answer your question. I told you that both of you will need it when something bad happens, and you're gonna use it eventually..."

"What do you mean... Eventually?"

" I meant if an unknown entity attacks the kingdom, or something like that..."

"Nice try stalling, dad"

"Dad, we want the truth right now, the three of us in this room know if one of us is lying or not"

"You wouldn't like it if I told you now"

"Don't let me try to read your mind dad, we want answers"

"I believe you won't do that, young lady, because if you do, I swear you won't have your place on the throne"

"I...I'm sorry, I guess I was just too eager to know."

" Dad, we're old enough to handle whatever you're holding against us. We'll understand... Eventually"

Dad suddenly stood up, looking angry as his irises started glowing a bright red. He closed his eyes, to control whatever was supposed to come next and later, his eyes went back to the usual pitch black eyes. He sighed.
" Come to my bedroom at 10 tomorrow, that is, if you wanted real answers. I'll be waiting, and if both of you don't show up within twenty minutes, we'll agree upon never speaking of this again and to do as I say, and I know both of you won't keep me waiting. And (y/n), bring the music box I gave you." He told us as he was surrounded in a black mist and disappeared without a trace. I looked at Dark, nodding to me as he left the dining table, surrounded by a somewhat dark-grey to blue mist, then disappeared. I stood up as well, before being covered in a red mist before arriving inside my room, seeing Chica sleeping peacefully in front of my bed. I pet Chica after a few minutes, then went to bed and drifted off to sleep.

I find myself in a room somewhere in the castle, and I see three small cradles. One cradle was silver, lined with red cloth and black lace. on the end of the cradle was my name, engraved in the silver arch that was holding my mobile, which was designed with blade plushies and some bloodied dolls. Memories.. I said with a smile as I  looked over the cradle, seeing the baby me sleeping peacefully as I cuddled in my blanket with my name marked on it.

I went over to the next cradle, a plain black cradle lined with red and silver. I saw Dark engraved on the arch which holds his mobile as well. His mobile was almost the same as mine, only his had about two real shurikens on each side of the mobile. I saw my cute baby brother sleeping peacefully as well, hugging a small teddy bear that was missing one eye. Mr. Cuddles... I remembered the days when he would panic if he doesn't find his bear in his room, but he's moved on, and the bear was long gone already.

I lastly saw the third cradle, which was a random cradle that was detailed with silver, black, and red, seemed to be designed for either a boy or a girl. No one seemed to be in the cradle, so I thought maybe it was just an extra cradle in case, I don't know if this is used for back up, if I turned out to be a boy or if we had another sibling I suppose. I was about to check the name engraved on the silver arch over the cradle which held almost the same mobile as Dark's, but when I hovered my hand over the arch, the cradle started turning into ashes, then the ashes flew away, not leaving a single trace on the carpet. I did not get the chance to know the name, but that meant something important.

I heard a baby crying from downstairs. I saw dad carrying a baby, looking at him with sympathy and pity. He and the baby were later covered in his black mist then disappeared. After being in deep thoughts, I heard crying from a room, then another. I found baby me and baby Dark crying in each of the cradles. I went back to the room, and I rocked Dark's cradle that seemed to calm him down. I was about to rock my cradle, but as I touched the cradle, I suddenly woke up, again by the forceful shaking of my body brought to me by... DARK.

"Time check: 9:30, time check: 9:30" he repeated over and over in a somewhat robotic voice which made me sit up immediately, slapping off the arm that was gripping me... in the wrist... again. I looked at one of my nightstands to see breakfast, brought by Dark.

"I'm up, okay? I'm up. Now how many times do I have to tell you to not hold my wrist again?!" I yelled at Dark, massaging my now oh so painful wrist.

"You have been too quiet these past few minutes so I assume you had a peculiar dream..."

And there I had it. I did my daily morning routine, and wore a dress...again, then story time started.

I told him everything, three cradles, the two of us sleeping peacefully, and the unknown baby dad was holding before he disappeared, everything while finishing up my breakfast. Dark's jaw dropped as I told him my story, so I assume he dreamt a different thing.

"You don't think we're... um... Nevermind"

I grabbed the music box on one of my nightstands and stood up, Dark just sitting, deep in thoughts, trying to decipher the message in my dream.

"Well, are we gonna go to dad now?"

"After you"


"We'll find out the truth and we'll have to accept it whether it hurts or not."


We went off to Dad's room five minutes before the time designated. Dad was even surprised to see us this early.

"I suppose you both wanted to know the truth so you came here this early."

"Well, no, Dark I suppose, on the other hand woke me up and gave me breakfast thirty minutes ago."

"You're telling us the truth right here, right now."

"Show some respect now young man.... Okay... Just hand over the music box"

I handed the music box to dad. He opened it, taking away the cylinder that played my favorite tune, then placed it in my hand. He pulled out another cylinder from a small box in his pocket, then he winded the handle to play music.

The box played a slow but a happy tune at first. It showed three babies playing together in a room:me, Dark, and another baby. Later the babies were picked up by my dad with the help of Kathryn and uncle Wilford :O. The three of us were cradled to sleep. I thought the other baby was Kathleen, but it was revealed to be a boy. Everything was suddenly covered in a grey mist.

The music started slowing down and was later replaced with a slow, sad tune. Later, I saw the cradles that appeared in my dream. I see Dad picking up the third baby from his cradle, which he gave to uncle Wilford. I couldn't make up what they were talking about but later, uncle Wilford was surrounded in a pink mist and he left glitters on the floor. Everything was covered again in a dark grey mist.

The last thing I saw was my dad walking up to the cradles, placing a hand on the now empty cradle and looking at the other two cradles with babies sleeping in them. He later covered his eyes with his free hand, then everything was turned into a small black orb, and the box closed.

I looked to Dad, who seemed to be in tears while shaking his head slowly. Me and Dark looked at each other in confusion.

"I shouldn't have hid this from you a long time ago. This was just too hard to take in as a father and I fear that if you knew, you'll freak out. I guess both of you are mature enough to take in all of this."

"Wait... Dad, we don't get it. I mean...Was the other baby like our cousin or something?"

"Yeah, isn't that baby our cousin  Will, uncle Wilford's son?"

"Look, I know this is too much but the baby is not your cousin. It's not Will or Kathleen...but it's someone closely related to you."


In the Eyes of a Demon (A Septiceye X Reader Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now