Chapter 18: Suspended

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Me,Edward, and Sam followed uncle Wilford as the four of us went to the principal's office. There sat the two, Dark on one side, Edgar on the other. There was a beautiful blonde lady sitting next to Edgar, but I presume she's too young to be his mother.

(Since I'm running out of writing options here, I'll be going for initials such as:
P: principal
S: Signe
W: Wilford... Etc.
But still follow the other ones I placed there earlier.
Now... Back to the story)

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry about this. My brother can be a bit of a freak sometimes if you know what I mean." The lady said as she approached me.

"Sorry to not have introduced myself earlier, but, my name's Maya." She spoke as she held her hand out for me to shake it. I gladly accepted it. She somehow had a soft Italian accent unlike Edgar's rough swedish accent, but who am I to judge... and she seems sweet. The principal sat behind his desk, as Uncle Wilford sat beside Dark, and he three of us sitting at the center.

P: "So, as far as I'm concerned I hope you know why we're all gathered here this afternoon."

"It's not my fault that dou-Edgar wanted to have a little fight with us."

"You started it you asshole!"

M: "Edgar stop it! I'm sorry sir but I know his attitude. He can get out of hand sometimes but this is not the first time he beat up or was beat up by someone."

W: "now, now I'm sure there's been some kind of misunderstanding for all of this."

"There's no misunderstanding. It was clear that he started it all."

Dark said with gritted teeth as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, the note that Edgar gave earlier. He gave it to the principal as the principal read it.

P: "oh, well what do we have here. Seemingly, Edgar Kjellberg is the one who started the fight but why would you all go for it?"

"Let me explain that sir. Around the first week of school, Me and Damion here we're walking down the hallways when I saw Edgar here pinning Edward to the lockers, as some of his pals were shoving my other friend Sam into one of the lockers."

"They were being beat up by this bs and we just had to stand up for them, that's why."

P: Now, Mr. Fischbach and Mr. McLoughlin, are the statements of these students true as we speak?

"Yes Sir."


P: " now how long has it been since you were bullied by Mr. Kjellberg?"

W: "Ed, how come you never told me you were being bullied by this, how do I say this, man right here?"

"I'm sorry uncle Wilford but I didn't want to let you go make little 'accidents'. Moreover Sam was also included since I tried standing up for him one since he was being teased for having only one eye."

P: "Well it's very clear now Ms. Kjellberg that Edgar here also has created some issues and has assaulted many students before. Also kept in his track record that he's been skipping class and sometimes never even shows up."

"Also, he's been bugging the four of us ever since me and Damion showed up."

M: "Oh, in that case I'm sure Edgar would gladly accept the punishment that you are about to give him sir. I'm sure our parents will be very disappointed."

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