Chapter 9: The Human Realm

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A day before we go to the human realm, we decided on Dark's name going there, cuz one is not simply named Dark without a reason. I got to keep my name cuz it's unique and sounds more human than Dark's.

"How bout Darryl?"

"Sounds like a fuck boy's name... Nope... Besides, we might meet a Darryl in school and he/she'll probably go Gaga for it. How about Derrick?"

"I think it sounds too underachieving for you, and as if you're a nerd. How bout Dwain?"

"Sounds too much like a famous celebrity. I want something that says DARK DEMON in a human way..."

"Hmm... Demon, Damon, Domen...
DAMION! It sounds so close to demon... And it suits you actually..."

"Hey, I like that... You're so great with names sis. I'm glad you named that dog Chica instead of Goldie..."

"Hehe, thanks DAMION."

"FYI, you can still call me Dark you know..."

We laughed and started packing our stuff. I brought our training uniform, my PJs, and some dresses that looked casual. I also brought two ball gowns, just in case there's a special occasion or something. I packed my black sneakers which had some spikes on the top and it's sides and boots with spikes in his heals, just in case I needed to kick some ass, and my favorite heels which match all my dresses. I included, of course, my hygenic stuff, grabbed my mallet and placed it near my door, where I can see it. I got a box, and filled it with packaging peanuts (if that's how you call it) and placed my jewelry, and the music box in it. I placed the mallet and the box near my door,then I changed into the remaining PJs in my closet and went to sleep.

The next day went to fast. I woke up and got changed. I was nervous, I hated leaving the palace for actually an acceptable reason. I took one last breath as I looked around my room. Oh how I'll miss my bed, my balcony, the view of the garden maze, then the whole castle. I'm literally leaving my whole life, but the good thing is Dark's by my side. I passed by his room and he did the same. He stood up there looking at the ceiling, then around the room, and I'm not so sure if I saw a tear stream down his face. I waited for him while I was sitting on the stairs. Our stuff was placed in the trunk of our small, black Ferrari with red demon eyes headlights. Dark nudged my shoulder and I followed him to the balcony. I placed my hand against the railings, Dark placing one hand over mine. I took my phone out then flew to the sky, grabbing a picture of the palace garden maze, which is one of my personal favorite spots in the castle. I returned to my place beside Dark.

"You sure are gonna miss this place aren't you?"

"One year, Dark... We'll be gone for a year without seeing this... I know it's just a short period of time but... What if I was not able to go back?"

"Hey, don't say that. I'll miss the place first, but you and I both know we're taking the memories in it with us. We are going back together, with our new brother, rule the boundaries of our realm, Happily Ever After."

"I know that, but I have a strange feeling. Do you remember last time, when it was our birthday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was feeling the same thing here back before... Like, I'm gonna throw up but I can't, but at the same time, I wanna continue."

"It's called the thing between fear and excitement... You're nervous."

"Dark, I w-"

Before I was able to respond, dad called us in and gave us a notebook which holds an addresses and contact numbers, and some keys.

In the Eyes of a Demon (A Septiceye X Reader Story) [COMPLETED] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu