Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to Purple Rain?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?

I know love
(I'm a sucker for that feeling)
Happens all the time, love
(I always end up feeling cheated)
You're on my mind, love
(Oh darling, I know I'm not needed)
It happens all the time, love, yeah

Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you every day?
Will he make you feel like you're invincible
With every word he'll say?
Can you promise me if this was right,
Don't throw it all away?
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things
Like we used to?

Oh, like we used to

Nabeela couldn't say anything when she finished watching the video. The song was deep from his heart. She knew he sang the song because of his ex. She imagined how hurt he was. His voice said it all. His deep husky voice said how broken and hurt he was. Nabeela felt the need to comfort him and before she knew it, her finger was on the call buttom


He sat down the stool and put his fingers on the piano thinking about what song to play. He wanted to play something about friendship since he was sending the video to Nabeela and he thought she would make a good friend.

But the moment he put his fingers on the piano, he remembered the last time he played a piano. It was Niima's birthday and he sang 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran for her. And that was how he remembered all those times, all those memories. Once again he felt broken.

"Should I start video taping," he heard his sister asking him. He nodded his head and immediately started playing. He didn't know how or why he started playing 'Like we used to'. He didn't know when he started pouring out his heart. He didn't know how he started following the lyrics, shouting it. It matched his current situation so much. The song spoke volumes of his feelings. He just couldn't stop.

"Shhh Ya Akeel, you are too loud, you may wake Ummi and Baba," his sister said.

Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you every day?
Will he make you feel like you're invincible
With every word he'll say?
Can you promise me if this was right,
Don't throw it all away?
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things
Like we used to?

Oh, like we used to

He finished the song in a lower tone. His sister clapped for him while he held back his tears. He wouldn't argue with his mind, he missed her so much. His sister passed his phone back to him. He immediately sent the video to Nabeela.

"You are so talented Ya Akeel," Walida squealed.

He gave her a fake smile and said goodnight to her. Walida knew her brother so much that she immediately knew he was thinking about his ex. She switched off the lights of the room and walked to her room praying he gets someone better than Niimah.

Akilu was lying on his bed ready to sleep when his phone started ringing. He was so suprised when he saw the ID. It was Nabeela (W). He contemplated picking it up because of the mood he was in.

When he did and heard her beautiful soothing voice for a moment, he forgot all about Niimah.

"Hello Akeel," she said.

"Nabeela whats up?"

"Nothing much, I saw your video. Omg you are so good, you are really talented,"

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