Chapter 33

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🌼Asia Dee🌼

"I don't know why we're getting in the pool, we just had a couple of drinks and it's cold as shit." I said to A and he chuckled already being in the pool. He was waiting for me to get in, I had just got changed into a swimsuit and now I'm just standing here. We aren't as upset anymore because we already vented more as we were drinking and now we're calm but still upset about our own individual problems.

I stepped into the pool and jumped at the coldness of the water but continued to walk into the pool. I swam on the other side opposite of Aubrey. "You know TJ and Chris are sharks who eat and run over us little fish because we allow it. I don't know about TJ but Chris has always been a shark whether she knew it or not.

She always want things to go her way and if it doesn't she leaves. Considering she's a shark and everyone wants her around she gets her way. But if it were us then we don't get our way, people let us walk away. But god forbid if Chris doesn't get her way, everyone is on their knees begging her to stay when she start walking away." I said and he nodded knowing it's the truth.

"It's funny how she feel like she has serious problems and she complains about the little stuff that we don't even have in order to complain about. I don't think she knows how blessed she is, or she's just spoiled and expect everything to be handed to her. Probably because everything is handed to her.

She doesn't know when to stop and look at the big picture. We do of course because we have bigger problems than our hair not acting right." I said he chuckled. "Yea I know, but I bare with her because I love her." He said and I chuckled. "Don't we all?" I asked with a knowing smile. He chuckled and nodded, "Yea." He said as his mind wondered.

"Chris really doesn't know what she has, she's lucky to even have you and she doesn't see that. She takes an advantage of you, and worry about what Chris wants and how she's going to get it. She don't think of us when she does the shit she does, she only think of herself.

Sharks only think about themselves it's us who worry about everyone else. It's us who think of others before we make a decision, and consider others before we do anything. We are considerate, they aren't because they don't care. Well they care but they put themselves first always." I said and he just stared at me.

"How many times did she fuck him? Was it once or twice or more?" He asked and I shrugged. "I don't know we haven't really talked about it, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't just once." I said and he nodded. "Yea let's stop talking about this, let's just relax and stop worrying about them since they obviously aren't worrying about us." He said as he started to swim across the pool where I am.

He just started swimming on his back going in circles in front of me, but not directly in front of me. "Aren't you and Diamond back together?" I asked and he stopped swimming and just faced me. "Yea but I don't want to talk about her either." He said and I rolled my eyes with a smile. "You're her shark aren't you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, she's the shark. She pushed me away a little more every time she broke up with me and came back. She just wanted to show off for her sisters and friends to show she has me in check, but in reality she was just frontin. She loves me, and I loved her, and now I have to leave her. She's not really a shark but she is a catfish she wants everyone to see her as a shark so she shows off and then when it's just us she acts completely different." He said and we are just face to face looking each other in the eyes.

I'm at the wall of the pool and he's just in front of me, with a good enough space between us, although he's in my personal space. "Maybe us small fish have to stick together, that way we know we're appreciated by each other." He said moving closer to me as our noses touched now. I felt a new feeling that I never felt around Aubrey ever, turned on.

My breathing became heavy as I just stared into his eyes. "Aubrey," I said very lightly as I got butterflies in my stomach. My whole body started reacting in a sensational matter as he moved even closer to me. "Yea?" He asked as his alertness in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with a hazy clouded lustful glare.

He laid his hands on my hips and I hated the fact that I loved the feeling he was making me feel. I know it's wrong, and I know all this will backfire on us. But I couldn't speak, my words were stuck, my mouth wouldn't speak them. My body is so turned on that it's calling for him. I just stared into his eyes as they inched closer to me along with his face. He got really close, my eyes closed as a reflex as I'm sure his did as well.

His lips grazed mine and I felt a spark of sensation run through my entire body lighting everything up. Then his lips fully touched mine and we stared kissing softly and passionately and I then the kiss turned aggressive and I started pulling him onto my body as he gripped my body tighter forcing our bodies to clash.

I want him to be closer to me, but the only way for him to be any closer than we already are is if he puts himself into me. For some odd reason I really want that right now and I'm getting turned on at the thought. He started kissing my neck aggressively biting and sucking making me moan. TJ was never this rough with me, and it's really a turn on.

"I want you to fuck me so bad right now," I moaned out as his dick is so hard that I know he wants to fuck me too. It's just poking my private part and teasing me so bad. He stopped for a second and looked at me. "I can't, you're a virgin." He said trying to be respectful. "Yes you can, I'm not TJ took it." I whispered heavily and we started kissing again.

We got out of the pool and went to the beach chairs that sat along the pool. He sat down and I straddled him and we started kissing again. We stopped when he pulled my swimsuit piece that is around my neck off of my head. Once he pulled it from around my neck and over my head we started kissing again as he slowly eased my swimsuit off.

He started kissing my neck and I let him loving the feeling of his lips on my skin. I moaned out as he had gotten my swimsuit off. He stopped kissing my neck as I stood up with him and the chair still between my legs; I'm just not sitting on him anymore. He pulled his swim trunks off and I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. He grabbed my waist and slowly pulled me down back onto his lap inserting himself into me as he did.

I moaned on my way down at the feel of him entering me, until all of him was in me when I had fully sat down. I started rocking my hips as he started sucking on my titties. They're small so he was nibbling and sucking and tugging on them. I moaned as I kept rocking my hips. I started rocking faster as he matched my rhythm. My whole body is vibrating in sensation and satisfaction.

"Fuck," I moaned out as I kept going. He gripped my ass and my body erupted in goosebumps. My mind is completely blank and I can't focus on anything else besides what I'm doing and what he's doing to me.

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