Chapter 27

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🌼Asia Dee🌼

By the time we got outside and the fresh air hit us, I realized how fast things were moving and how that smoke and alcohol infested air made me go wild. On the ride back to TJ's place, he realized how I wasn't acting all freaky anymore, and left it alone not bringing anything up.

I fell asleep on the way back, and woke up when I felt the truck stop completely. We went inside, and TJ showed me the guest bedroom I could stay in. I grabbed my bag from his room and went back to the other room and showered. That's where I am now.

I'm not in the shower anymore, I'm still in the bathroom though. I already have on some bottoms and bra. I'm not going to put on any shorts leggings or anything else because I only sleep in my panties and bra. I already lotioned down and everything else, so I don't know why I'm still in here.

I saw my tiny little toothbrush necklace and put it on. I don't know why I got a necklace with a gold bent toothbrush on it, it just seemed like it was something I would like. Random like Asia Dee I guess. I walked out of the bathroom and into TJ's room, but he's still in the shower. I saw one of his chains sitting on his dresser and I liked it, so I put it on.

Don't ask why I'm putting on necklaces and chains, but I am. I walked out of his room and waited in the guest bedroom far, far, far down the hall. I figured he placed me down the hall so that I wouldn't be too close to make him want to fuck me, but not too far that I feel isolated and alone in his home.

After ten more minutes in the guest bedroom alone, I walked back down to his room. I slowly opened his door, and it still creaked. I stuck my head in to see him putting on some briefs. I walked fully in, as he didn't look at me. He did however glance up at me and kept doing what he's doing.

I walked over to him and he turned around as soon as I got close to him, and he walked in the opposite direction. I think he's avoiding me, he probably think I was playing with his emotions and or manhood at the party. "TJ," I said lightly and he looked at me. "Kiss me please," I said lightly as well. My heart started beating through my chest as I watched him.

He walked up to me and placed his hand on my hip, and was careful not to touch my ass. He really is a good guy, and a respectful one at that.  He leaned down to kiss me, but as soon as his lips were about to touch mine, I turned my head and laid it on his chest. I then turned it back, with my head still on his chest, as I looked at the floor at our feet.

He's only kissing me because I asked him to, not because he wants to. "You ask me to kiss you and then turn away from it?" He asked calmly but confused. I looked up into his eyes as my heart hurts and is still beating quickly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I whispered as he stared down into my eyes.

"Why not?" He asked still confused. "I don't want you to kiss me because I want you to, I want you to kiss me because you want to too." I whispered before turning and starting to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist when I was a good distance away from him. I looked back him and he pulled me back to him and entwined our fingers.

He then grabbed my other hand and entwined our other fingers. My heart just raced, as my eyes hadn't left him.  He lifted the bottom of his right hand and slowly kissed the bottom of my hand, just above my wrist.  He did the same with my other hand, and then pulled our hands back together and pulled me closer to him.

He looked down into my eyes as I looked up into his, with my heart beating through my chest. He leaned down to my ear as breathing became an issue. "I always want to kiss you," he whispered in my ear making something inside of me snap. "Well I'm hungry for you right now," I said in sexually craving way before I pulled his face into mine and kissed him how I've been wanting to kiss him since I first met him.

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