Part 9: Memories

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AUTHOR NOTE: I'm back! Thank you for waiting and voting MAMA. This chapter will be longer to pay back for not updating.


"Hoseok dear. Have fun. Be good boy and respect your teachers. Eomma is going now."

It was my first day at school. I was excited but at the same time little scared too. I was glad that I already knew someone from my school. I slowly walked towards the huge building. I wanted to cry. Why couldn't mom come to school's starting ceremony. I looked at boys and girls hand in hand with their parents. Some of them would be my classmates and I truly hoped that they would like me.

"Hobi! There you are! "I heard a shout. It was without doubt Yongnam. "Hi Yongnam. I was wondering where you were. Where is Heeyoung?" "She's already inside with her parents. I was there too but my parents went to talk to someone. You know, about my sickness. Hey Hobi, we are going to be late soon. Let's run inside! Come!" Yongnam grabbed my hand and I followed him trough school's huge doors.

I, Yongnam and Heeyoung had been best friends since that day in the park. We all lived in same neighborhood and because of that, we had ended to same school. We even were in same class. We supported each other through everything. When I was younger I was little bit shy and because of that I got often picked up by bullies. Heeyoung and Yongnam were always there to save me and they also supported me when I was in a car accident at sixth grade. I was paralyzed in hospital for over two months and they came to visit me there everyday. At that time I was afraid that I never maybe could walk gain and Yongnam and Heeyoung always helped me with everything. Also, for sometime Yongnam had to be in hospital too and during that time we had so much fun that we both almost forgot why we were there.

Yongnam had leukemia when we were 6-to-8-years-old. He was cured but after fifth grade leukemia had relapsed. Yongnam had to take hard treatments again and he was often very tired. Once I woke up to him crying in the middle of night. I couldn't walk and I felt so helpless when Yongnam was in his own bed. There was just two meters between our beds but to me, it was like an ocean. I wanted, no, I NEEDED to do something to help him. It was just too hard to listen at Yongnam crying. 

Yongnam wasn't person to cry. He never had cried in front of me or Heeyoung. He wanted to show that he was strong and he didn't want anyone's pity. Heeyoung was also strong girl. she was one supporting us boys and she didn't want to be called weak just because she was girl. Actually, if some boy was brave enough to call her weak, that boy would had ended up to hospital for week. Because of my friends being so strong, I felt like I was the weakest. I was many times near crying despite the promise I had made to my mother years ago. I had taken that promise to my heart and it was almost the most important thing in my life. I had never told anyone and I got so good at hiding my sadness from others that even my family or best friends didn't notice it. But Heeyoung and Yongnam helped me even when they didn't know about my fears or thoughts. I wasn't depressed, nothing like that, but I had times when I felt like nothing was well.

At that night I listened at Yongnam silent cry of help and I felt so bad. He didn't deserve that and this time I wanted to help him instead of him helping me. I opened my mouth but didn't have any words. I probably looked like fish on ground when I opened and closed my mouth, not getting any words out. Then I heard how Yongnam got up and sat on side of my bed. "Hobi? Are you awake?" Yongnam voice was quiet and hesitant. I slowly opened my eyes. "Yes Yongie. I'm awake. Are you okay?" It was stupid question to ask but I had to say something. "I am now because I heard your voice." I could hear him smiling. "Hearing your voice makes me calm down and just seeing your smile makes my day better. Lots. Lots better." Yongnam continued. i was awestruck by his words. Could my smile really help him? I didn't know what to say. Again.

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