Part 6: Jin 1/2

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Author note: I'm sorry for not updating for almost two weeks.

Next morning when I woke up, everyone else were packing their things. They were leaving and I would have dorm by myself for five days. I hadn't planned anything to do and because of that I would probably be at dancestudio whole time. -If managers don't make me go home.- I had promised to rest, but I needed to dance to keep my mind active.

I was going to kitchen when Jin-hyung walked from livingroom. "Hoseok-ah, can we talk? In private?" "Of course hyung. Let's go outside." I answered and wondered what he would want to talk about. Jin-hyung sometimes saked if I wanted to talk and it was every time about something serious. I grabbed my coat and went outside. "So, what is it hyung?" I asked and smiled at him. I had noticed long time ago that if I smiled to someone when I asked something, they would answer easier.  "Yeah, I actually wanted to ask what are you planning to do while we're away." He said and looked away. I frowned. There was definitely something else and if he wasn't saying it, it was big and it had been disturbing him for long time.

"Ah, I haven't really planned anything." I again smiled and then looked him with serious expression. "But hyung, you were going to say something else, weren't you? You can say it to me." "I... I don't know. It was nothing. Forget that I said anything." He said and turned around. I followed him inside and just when he was going to lock himself in his room, I grabbed his wrist.

He yelped in pain.

Right at that moment I understood. "Hyung." I loooked at him. Jin-hyung looked scared and apologetic. "Hoseok-ah. I'm..." He started stuttering and couldn't make any words. I let go of his wrist and pulled him to his and Yoongi-hyung's room where luckily no one was. "Jin-hyung, can I look?" I asked him. He nodded and I gently lifted his sleeved. There, in his wrists, were deep and and long cuts. There weren't many and all were new, but cuts were too deep for first timer. I lightly caressed lines in his wrists and looked him at his eyes. "Hyung, is there more?" Jin's eyes teared up and he again nodded. Slowly and hesitantly. "Hyung. I understand. I totally understand and it's okay. You haven't done anything wrong." I said and pulled him to hug. Jin backed away from hug and looked surprised.

"What? You aren't disgusted? Even... Even when I... I do this and..." At that moment Jin was full mess of sobs amd loud crying. I again pulled him to hug and then took his face between my palms. "Shh hyung. It's okay. I could never be disgusted by you. I care about you too much for being disgusted. But hyung. Cutting is not good for you. I know it helps you with pain. But still, I hope you could stop that, because I care about you and your health. You can always talk to me. You can even hurt me if it helped you. I would do anything to help you. I  want to help you. Please hyung." I felt my eyes glistening, but I stopped tears falling. I didn't know why was I almost crying. I hadn't cried in years. Heck, I  hadn't cried even last time, so wouldn't cry this time either. I noticed that Jin-hyung's sobs had stopped and I quickly dried hid tears from his cheeks.


Yaas I did it! I'm so so sorry for not updating in so long time.

I was again meaning to write more but my sister came to visit and she's sleeping in my room so I must stop now and then we can go to sleepXD

Ah and if your vietnamese, check out translation by amazing LUNAinNOXX.



PS. Check out JBJ. They are new group which debuted just two days ago. They are awesome:)

Beyond the scene: Jung Hoseok x BTSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu