Part 3: first promise 2/2

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I woke up to my mom lifting me up from sofa.

"Eomma. You came home." I said sleepily. "Of course we came Hoseokie dear." My mom said smiling little sad smile. "Why are you sad eomma?" I asked her. I didn't like her being sad. "Hoseokie, listen. We went to see your grandma. She didn't feel so good and we went to help her. But your granny was very tired and wanted to rest.She went to long sleep. She won't come to take care of you because she needs to rest. People say that when people go to loooooong sleep, they die. But it is good. Your granny will watch you to grow up from afar and she wants to see you happy. So don't ever cry or feel sad but laugh and always smile that beautiful smile of yours."

I looked at my mom. I didn't really understand what mom meant when he talked about my granny but I understood that something bad had happened. I felt my eyes glistening with tears. Mom grabbed my hand and looked at my eyes with very serious expression. "Promise me. Promise me Hoseok. Don't ever cry."  I swallowed and nodded. My mom had asked me not to cry and I wasn't going to do that. "I won't cry mom." I didn't think about what I had promised or how I could always be happy. I just wanted to make mom happy by promising. I always wanted to make everyone else happy.

"But mom." I remembered. "Did you see the surprise what I made for you? Weren't the flowers beautiful? And the lights? Wasn't it great surprise?" I looked at mom excitedly, but then noticed her expression changing to surprised and awkward. My smile changes to frown. " Oh Hoseokie, those flowers were already dead. We threw them to trashcan."  I looked at my mom. She had just said that being dead is okay. And before that she didn't even thought how I had spent hours making surprise but just just destroyed them because some of the flowers were DEAD. Had they thrown granny to thrash-bin too? 

Mom looked at me and said: "Hoseokie. You promised something. Don't cry. Just be happy." I noticed that my eyes were glistening and quickly smiled and stood up. "I wasn't crying  eomma. I'm just sleepy." Mom nodded. "Yeah, let's go sleep. Your noona and appa are sleeping already. We all ate earlier." We walked towards my bedroom. " And Hoseok?" "Yeah eomma." "I'm sorry for you being alone for couple of hours today. We just couldn't remember you." "It's alright eomma. I love you, good night." I said and watched my mom to go to her room. I quickly closed the door and ran to my bed. Mom and dad didn't remember me, mom thought that I had been alone for couple of hours but really it was whole day. And I hadn't gotten anything to eat whole day when they had ate together. It felt bad and I was again in verge of crying. But I had promised. 

"Smile Hoseok. It's your job."


First, I again apologize. I didn't update at Tuesday like I promised, but a week later. I have been sick and I couldn't update. And when I was finally okay I had tons of schoolwork what I needed to do. Today I was supposed to read to physics exam but I decided to write this now. After all it's Sunday so I don't want to spend whole day reading to exam. 

Second, when I started to write second chapter, Hoseok was supposed to be about three to four years old ( in flashback), but honestly I don't know anymore. Well, don't let it bother you too much:)

Anyways, I hope you liked this. 



PS. Next chapter will be longer and I will update at Tuesday if nothing world-changing comes.XD

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