Part 1: numb

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"I'm your angel! I'm your hope! J-Hoope!"

Thousands of fans answered to me when I completed my traditional greetings. I looked at my friends next to me at stage and smiled widely while showing little dance to everyone. I noticed my friends laughing little and audience screaming louder. I supposed that I had done my work for now.

"It was so amazing! I really love this! Can you hear how some armys are still singing there?"    Jimin almost shouted when we got back o the backstage after the concert.                   "And fans sang almost every song!" Taehyung added excitedly.                       "Some people in audience even danced with us during some songs!" Jeongguk said while smiling.                    "I'm so grateful to every army." Namjoon said after arriving.                   "We are in so big debt to so many people." Jin hyung said with Yoongi hyung nodding beside  him.

I looked at each of them and noticed that they were everyone smiling although we had been at stage for three hours and were all exhausted. Thought asking about why they were smiling and should I smile too crossed my mind, but I decided to ignore it. I was too tired for smiling.

Conversation continued on the same track and I decided to check if my favorite dancer had updated new video on YouTube. There was nothing. My twitter was again full of videos and pictures from concert. There was also lots of texts in English and Spanish. It was bad that I couldn't understand many of them, because if I could, I maybe had known why they were posting those after every concert. 

"-seok"                                                                                                                                                                          "Hobi hyung"                                                                                                                                                                         "HOSEOK, WAKE UP!!"                                                                                      I looked up and noticed Yoongi hyung's face right in front of mine. I looked at him little surprised. "Sorry hyung. What did you say again? I didn't quite catch that."                              "Yeah, I could notice that." Yoongi hyung said and raised his eyebrow.                            "We asked about what you think was the best thing tonight." Jimin helped.

I thought while about what was the best answer this time. Then I decided to smile widely, laugh little bit and say:

"I can't choose! Everything was awesome! I'm just so happy right now!"

author note: This was first chapter. It was pretty short (350 words), but I have already longer ones planned:)

I (J-)hope you liked it

I (J-)hope you liked it

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Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

I don't understand how some people can call him ugly

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

I don't understand how some people can call him ugly.

And if you were wondering, no, Hobi isn't my bias (I don't have one), but I love him and I hope people would appreciate him more.


Beyond the scene: Jung Hoseok x BTSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt