Chapter 29- Bright White Spot

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I didn’t need protection from anyone, but the avengers needed a leader. Soon the bronze haze flowed away from Loki leaving him in his earlier attire. He sighed and looked down at the door which lay under his feet.

“I can’t fix this.” He stepped off it and lifted it from the floor. He laid it against the wall beside the doorframe.

“I think it would be best if you stayed in my room tonight Liberty.” he smirked at me as he said this. I felt my cheeks quickly blush bright red. His smirk grew wider as he walked over to me. I wanted to step back as his eyes quickly morphed from his usual bright green to dark ivy green. He quickly wrapped an arm around my waist and his other hand pushed up into my hair, his lips slammed against mine, with fierce determination to get what he wanted. This was apparently me. My hands quickly pushed into his hair pulling his body impossibly closer to mine. Then there was a wolf whistle, I pulled my lips from Loki’s to see Bruce Banner and Tony Stark standing there. Stark was wearing a huge smirk across his lips.

“Well is seems me and Brucey have interrupted these two love birds.” I felt my face blush bright red. I tried to hide it but, currently my face looked like a tomato so there wasn’t much chance in that. Loki Chuckled and pulled me tight against his body.

“You’re right Stark you self and Banner were interrupting something. Is there any reason you’re both still standing there?” Tony smirk faltered then quickly came back to life with one thousand watts behind it.

“Doctor Selvig wants to see you Liberty.” I pulled my body away from Loki’s and smiled up at Loki.

“I won’t be gone too long.” Loki looked down at me sternly and nodded quickly.

“Meet me in my room when you are done.” I was about to nod but Loki quickly removed himself from the room before I was able to. I sighed and smiled at Bruce and Tony.

“So why does Doctor Selvig what to see me?” Bruce pushed his glasses up his noses and looked down at me.

“I gave him my results on the experiments that were conducted on you.” We both looked at Tony who was scowling at Bruce.

“Any way he wants to go into further detail with them.” I stood dead.

“I won’t be hurting your glamorous assistant again will I?” I smirked causing Tony to scowl at me this time. Bruce shook his head and chuckled,

“No, he was more interested in how your powers worked with metals.” I nodded and continued to walk next to Bruce down the halls. Soon we came to the mixed metal voices of Doctor Selvig.

“Hello Liberty, you don’t mind me conducting more experiments do you?” I shook my head and looked up at the man who was beside himself in thought.

“Good now I’m going to place these pads on your brain just to measure activity. Then I’ll want to be taking some scans of that miraculous brain of yours.” Suddenly two cold pads were pressed against my fore head.

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