Chapter 12- I Had Seen Everything

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I heard the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor besides me. But I didn’t open my eyes, I didn’t want to see the state of my broken body, even though for now it was numb, I knew that the slashes and bruises hid my pain. But soon the inevitable happened; I opened one of my eyes very slowly, the other eye followed to show a clean body. I looked at my arms to see the crisp silver scars from the battle. My hands gripped the edge of the crisp white sheet covering me. I didn’t want to see my body, I remembered how brutal the battle was and I didn’t want to see how brutalised my body was at this point. I looked out of the frosted glass to see that it was dark except the small floor lights, my head hit the pillow as I sighed, maybe I wasn’t cut out for this. Suddenly a fragile tap echoed through the room, I looked at the glass room door, to see a figure standing there,

“Come in.” I said hoarsely, I shoved my silver scared arms underneath the thin bed covers and placed a fake smile over my lips. The figure finally entered the room, it was Bruce. I gasped as I saw the huge swollen bruises which covered his bare arms, my eyes then reached his face to see a purple bruise which curled around his bottom jaw, and then I saw the large black eyes which stopped his left eye from opening fully. He staggered towards me; I looked down at his leg to see that his jean leg had been rolled up so that his ankle could be thickly bandaged. I pulled my body out of the bed, causing the wires leading from the heart monitor to leave my skin causing the machine to flat line.

“Are you ok Bruce?” he gave me a heart filled yet crippled smile,

“Compared to last year I’m fine. I came to check on you how are you feeling?” he gestured to me, causing me to look down my body. A crisp white hospital gown hung off my body,

“I’m fine, I think. I can’t feel anything at the moment.” I looked down at my toes to see them wiggling causing me to chuckle slightly, I looked back up at Bruce to see his pained expression,

“I was scared that you weren’t going to make it.” I raised my shaky fingers up to my lips, suddenly my eyes went wide,

“Loki,” I whispered, I looked at Bruce who stood at the edge of the hospital bed,

“Where is Loki? Is he ok?” Bruce narrowed his eyes at me in a disapproving way, but still answered,

“Loki’s fine. He didn’t get a single scratch on his big head.” I scowled at Bruce mockingly; I looked around the small box room and saw some clothes folded neatly on a small side table,

“Who are these from?” I looked at Bruce who was now staring down at his swollen ankle,

“Steve dropped them off, a couple of hours ago.” I sighed, I know Steve’s intentions towards me were good, but towards Loki, he had intentions of harm. I shook my head and smiled lightly at Bruce,

“I think I’ll get dressed now.” I said slowly hoping that it would sound less awkward than it did. He nodded and smiled at me showing his bright white teeth,

“I’ll see you soon Liberty.” I nodded as he turned away from me and walked out of the frosted glass room. I pulled my body out of the warm bed, and looked down at it; dried seeping blood littered the hospital gown. I pulled the garment over my head, to see a thin healing slice across my stomach. I didn’t cry or do anything when I saw the small wound; I just sat there staring at it, as if it was magically going to close up further. But I knew it wouldn’t, I grabbed the folded up clothes and began to throw them onto my body.

I shivered when the cold fabric touched my warm skin, I slowly stood up and as my back straitened I could feel the barely healed skin on my stomach tense and pull, I hissed and wrapped my arm around my waist. I clumsily fastened my combat boots and slowly walked from the bright room. I could hear the low mental humming of people’s dreams as the sun began to rise. I walked towards the main observation deck; heavy automatic doors slid open and close, as I walked through the halls. Finally I came into the huge windowed room of the observation deck to see Commander Fury turning from side to side to view the multitude of screens around him.

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