Chapter 5- Immersed In Darkness

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I threw myself onto the bed. I didn’t know how to feel, I was confused as my heart felt like it was slowly being squeezed inside of my chest, yet my stomach churned with butterfly’s. I wanted to cry and scream, how was this fair? The only man, who could ever touch me, was a monster. I quickly pulled on my headphones, and pressed play I didn’t care for the song I just wanted my emotions to be drowned out. But some songs can just make it worse, ‘My Immortal by Evanescence.’ I felt tears streak down my face. I rolled my hand heavily over my eyes trying to stop the tears, but it didn’t work. I could hear some ones thoughts approach my direction,

‘I hope Miss Davis is ok. It seemed Loki had offended her, what had he said? What had he done?’ the expected knocking erupted at my door,

“Miss Davis are you alright in there?” I stared up at the plain white ceiling above my head,

“please go Mr Rodgers, I need some time alone.” I felt like such a freak, men who are so kind, and who want to show affection can’t touch me, can’t kiss me, can never hold me.

“Liberty please let me come in I want to talk to you.” I sobbed hard and sat up on the bed, I didn’t want to hurt him, but it would always be inevitable,

“please go Steve!” I screamed at the black door, I threw off my headphones and listened for Steve’s thoughts,

‘where is Loki!? What did he do to her?!’ soon Steve’s thoughts began to slowly submerge into other loud thoughts, I quickly launched off the bed. Why did Steve care about me? I had already hurt him,

“Steve Stop!” I screamed down the corridor, my bare feet hit the corrugated metal of the floor with a dull patter, as I ran towards him. He turned around to face me, I could see his eyes where full of anger, and his expression was contorted in pain.

“Please don’t look for Loki, he hasn’t done anything.” He looked angry now as he looked down at my still form which stood in front of him,

“are you protecting him?! Why?! Look what he’s done to you Liberty!” he turned away from me in disgust, and ran his hands shakily and slowly through his neat hair,

“I’m not protecting him Steve, but he hasn’t done anything. It’s just something he can do which has upset me.” He looked over his shoulder to me, his eyes softened,

“what can he do Liberty?” my lips tightened into a grim smile, Steve’s body now fully faced me,

“he can touch me Steve, he would be able to hold me, kiss me if I wanted him too.” Suddenly Steve’s fist collided against the white was all to his left,

“why in all the people on this planet at this moment, can he be the only one who is able to touch you?” I shrugged and chuckled nervously,

“I guess the world is just screwed up.” He chuckled and shook his head; his hair fell over his eyes. A toothless smile crossed his lips,

“I wish I could hold you Liberty.” I blushed heavily, my eyes flickered to the floor,

“you can, Steve.” I swallowed heavily; I stood toe to toe with him and slowly wrapped my fabric covered arms around his waist and rested my head on his white fabric covered chest. He breathed in heavily half expecting pain, but soon he relaxed and wrapped his bare arms around my black fabric covered back.

“This is wonderful Liberty.” I chuckled lightly against his chest,

“it’s only a hug Steve. Surely you’ve received plenty of them.” He nodded; I looked into his light blue eyes and smile,

“I mainly received them off my parents when I was a child, and that was a very long time ago now.” I pulled away from his comforting body and smiled at him,

“don’t blame Loki for why I was upset, I’m more upset with the none existent logic behind it.” He chuckled heavily causing his chest ripples under the plain white fabric of his shirt,

“yeah, the logic behind Loki, one of the of the only people on this ship to hate the avengers, being able to touch you is very questionable.” He smiled now with a full row of bright white teeth showing,

“is it ok if I have some time alone now though Steve?” he nodded and quickly and moved the loose piece of hair away from his eye line,

“ok Liberty, I’ll leave you alone for a while. I’ll see you soon.” He smiled largely again as I walked away from him. I couldn’t help a large smile of my own appearing on my lips.

As I grew closer to my room I notice that the music on my phone was playing out loud, ‘I can’t decide by the Scissor Sisters.’ I quickly bolted to my room door, and saw Loki lying on my bed leisurely waging his finger to the beat of the song.

“What are you doing?” I growled lowly, I was not in the mood for games, be he definitely was. He chuckled and leaped off the bed towards me. He pulled me to him by my hands, and quickly slammed the door behind us.

“Well, I don’t know what I want. What do you want Liberty? Do you want the handsome Steve Rodgers?” I pulled my hands out of him and walked as far away from him as possible in the small box room,

“he thought you had hurt me, he came to see how I was Loki. He cares about me.” I looked at Loki to see a fierce jealousy building up in the bright green of his eyes. He stepped towards me,

“why do you think I came up here? Just to torment you? I came up here because I care!” he screamed angrily at me I had obviously struck a nerve, I stepped towards him, I still don’t know how to approach him, he dived in after me to make sure I was ok.

“How can you care for me Loki?” finally the song changed on my phone, ‘Follow me by Muse.’ I shook my head, as no words had come out of Loki’s mouth.

“You could never care for me. Only someone like Steve Rodgers or even Bruce Banner could care for me. They harbour some feelings for me you don’t.” Loki was no longer looking at me; his whole body was turned away from me, when he finally spoke.

“How do you know how I feel about you?” he looked over his shoulder at me, his brooding bright green eyes made me stand still in some sort of animalistic fear, his body steadily turned to face mine. Truthfully I didn’t know how he felt about me, but I assumed he hated human or believed they were lower than him due to the way he treated us. But here I stood with him, toe to toe, he hadn’t treated me any lower than him. I breathed in heavily; my lips trembled as I tried to utter some words from my shaking lips,

“I see, you assumed that I hated you because you’re human.” He nodded his head slowly; my heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly within my chest as if I was having a heart attack,

“Loki I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to assume anything, but last year the way you treated this race was something that can’t be forgot.” His eyes darkened dramatically, as he raised a hand slowly to my cheek. I leaned back slightly as he trailed a finger lightly over the skin there, his eyes where focused on the skin of my cheek as he spoke lightly,

“I’ll show you that I can harbour such feeling you wish me to have liberty.” And as quickly as his light finger tips left my cheek his whole body as gracefully deserted the room. I looked at my phone to see a song called, ‘Try by Pink.’ I sighed and turned down the volume as I began to undress, the day had been long and eventful. But more than anything it had been revealing, I sighed as I tied back my long hair, I quickly flicked the wall switch with left me immersed in darkness.

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