Chapter 21- She Will Be Mine

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The blade had been removed from his chest. I looked down at the still and unmoving chest of Loki Laufeyson. Thor stood by my side, as we starred down at the God in front of us.

“Do not Worry Liberty; he will be with us soon.” I nodded and looked down at the mean while dead body of Loki. I bent my head down and pressed a light kiss against his cold rigid lips. I exited the room and walked down the halls with Thor by my side. I looked out of the windows to see the open sea around us.

“I need some time alone Thor.” He nodded and walked a little ways with me until he turned down one of the many corridors of this ship. I sighed as I walked further down the corridor to welcome the sight of my room. I unlocked the door, and opened it with my shoulder. I grasped my broken hand as I walked into my bathroom. I sprayed cold water over the swollen and broken flesh and cried out as pain shook through my hand. My hand trembled as I pulled it away from the water. I looked up into the mirror and saw myself. Dried tear tracks marked my flesh, and my lips were bruised from the violent kiss from Steve Rodgers. I slammed my broken hand into the mirror, and sobbed as glass tore into the skin.

 I cried out as I clutched my hand to my chest, as I slid down the bathroom wall. He killed him, it doesn’t matter that Loki will return, he stabbed him in the heart, he killed him, and by killing him he tore out my heart and made sure it wouldn’t heal. Now I understand how Loki felt that day I died on this ship.  I saw piece of mirrored glass protruding from the skin of my already massacred hand. I pulled the pieces of glass slowly from my broken and torn skin. I threw them into the bath as with each piece of glass, I screamed in agony. Tears streamed form my eyes and deepened the already visible tear tracks that were carved down my cheeks. My fingers dusted over the open wounds checking for any more glass. I sighed and grasped the first aid kit. I brushed the antiseptic wipes over my torn hand and bandaged the slashed flesh.

I sat there on the bathroom floor clutching my hand to my chest for hours. Tears continued to fall as I sat there blocking out the world. Now and again knocks would crash against my bad room door, which I ignored. I only wanted to see one person, and he was dead for now. I sighed as I sat there alone and covered in mine and Loki’s blood. I pulled away the green and black dress, and sat there in the black corset and the black briefs. Blood seeped through the thin bandages, as I sat there on the cold floor. My heart hammered in my chest at a strong steady beat. I ducked my face underneath my hair as Tony’s voice called out from the other side of the door.

“Liberty open the door, were worried about you. Please open it.” I shook my head and sobbed hand as I sat there.

“Liberty Thor is here, and I’m sure he’s willing to break down this door.” I clambered up from the cold floor and grasped my dressing gown. I wrapped the black dressing gown and wrapped it around my body. I unlocked the door and opened it to welcome, the worried gaze of the other avengers. Thor and Tony stood in front of me, and behind them gathered were Clint, Bruce, and Natasha Romanova.

“Why are you all here?” I muttered as my throat felt like I had swallowed a thousand needles. Tony and gave me a small smile,

“Your apart of the avengers, we look out for each other.” I rubbed away the drying tears and smiled at all of them. Tony smiled again,

“Also its time for dinner and we thought you would like to join us.” I nodded and smiled again.

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