Chapter 9- To Meet Mine

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I walked through the quiet hallways, I began to make my way towards my room until, a mental voice called out,

‘Thank god she’s here!’ I turned around to see the quickly emerging body to Bruce Banner; I began to walk towards him as he sprinted down the long corridor,

“what do you want Bruce?” he slowed dramatically as he reached the one meter mark,

“Steve just wants to know that you’re ok, are you?” I sighed and rubbed my temple with my right hand,

“I’m fine Bruce.” He sighed out in relief,

“Thor’s pinning him down at the moment stopping him looking for you.” I nodded, Loki was never going to hurt me,

“just tell him I’m ok, alright?” he looked at me confused, his dark eyes stared at me,

“don’t you want to see Steve?” I chuckled and looked away from Bruce,

“why would I want to see him right now? He could have killed Loki if I didn’t break them up.” He nodded and smiled lightly at me,

“I’ll go and tell him you’re ok.” I nodded as I heard Bruce’s footsteps fade away from me. I walked pasted my room and into the labs, where Tony Stark sat tapping glass screens. I pushed open the glass lab door, to see Tony half suited up. His calves were covered in his classic red and gold armour and so where his forearms but the rest was normally dressed as his torso had a Bon Jovi shirt tightly pulled over it, and his legs had faded blue jeans thrown onto them. He looked away, from his glass screens and smiled at me with a large grin as he walked towards me,

“Steve’s having a hissy fit, due to the incident.” I bit my lip and sighed as I settled down into one of the white plastic mould but cushion plush chairs, nearer to Tony,

“I know Bruce came looking for me so he could reassure him.” he shook his head and chuckled, I looked at my hands and then suddenly a warm metal pressed against the skin on my shoulder, I looked up at Tony to see he prodding my arm with his metal covered hands,

“What are you doing Tony?” he chuckled again, and continued to prod my arm,

“Tony do you want me to prod your bare arm?” I gestured my forefinger and slowly moved it towards a bare part of his arm, suddenly his contact on my arm was drawn back, as he smiled largely down at me,

“ok, sorry for not giving an explanation to the poking. But I can touch you when I’m wearing the suit.” I nodded and chuckled deeply,

“ok I knew that before you Tony.” He held up his armoured hands in mock surrender, and chuckled again. He walked back to his glass screens,

“Steve’s got a huge problem with not getting what he wants. As soon as he couldn’t see you he began to…” he paused, he rested a metal finger against his bearded chin,

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