Chapter 13- Using That Against Me

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I felt guilty; my stomach twisted into knots, and my heart was being held in a vice like grip. I ran through the halls of the ship. I didn’t want to be near anyone,

“What are you doing my dear Liberty?” I began to build up the walls inside my head. I didn’t want anyone near me, no matter how they reacted to my powers.

“Where is Liberty? I swear to God if Loki is near her…” I kept running through the halls as Steve’s voice entered my head as my walls began to close. Tears flew from my eyes, as I ran, not knowing where I was going, but staying away from the mental and verbal voices of S.H.I.E.L.D. I didn’t bother to wipe away the tears which burned over my cheeks. I hurt everyone I knew, I have Hurt Steve, Tony, and Clint, and I couldn’t help feeling guilty. Maybe I was born to suffer; I was born to be alone. The door covered in the proud S.H.I.E.L.D insignia slid open to allow my body to run through. My body was tired and cold, as I carried my desperate mission to get away from those I could hurt, and even further away from the man I could not.

“Liberty where are you?” Loki’s voice pushed through my mental barrier causing cracks in my foundations. But I filled those cracks quickly, and pushed myself harder, even though I knew I had nowhere to go but this ship.

“Liberty I am stronger than you, I will destroy and topple, any foundation you put up against me and the world.” Tears clawed their way out of my eyes as my head pounded at the mental sound of Loki’s voice. I gasped hard for air and looked ahead of me to see the landing strip; I looked around me to see no one. I stumbled in mental exhaustion towards the glass doors. I took a deep breath of air into my lungs as if I had been held underwater for years. My chest heaved and my mind healed in the silence. I leaned my back against a concrete structure lining the landing strip, and slowly slid down till I hit the floor, I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, and I cried. My chest heaved heavily with each sob of pain,

“I’ll never be loved.” I spoke mentally, as my mind raced through my pain,

“Do you truly believe that my dear Liberty?” I looked up and over my knees to see Loki standing in front of me. He wore black slacks and a dark ivy button up shirt, which fluttered in the high altitude winds. He slowly lowered himself to a kneel in front of me; his green eyes echoed my pain, which caused me to look away from him.

“You didn’t answer me Liberty?” I couldn’t look at him, as my heart was constricted by the look of pain in his eyes,

“Please just leave me Loki.” I said hoarsely as I looked at the grey tarmac beneath me. I heard Loki move across the rough ground, and then I felt him sitting beside me. I felt angry did he insist on hurting himself, I finally looked at Loki to see him staring at me intensely,

“Did you hear what I said?” his head lulled forward as he sighed heavily, he looked back at me with narrowed eyes and tight lips,

“Yes I did Liberty, but I must go against your will.” He looked forward and out at the wide sky of blue,

“Tell me why.” I stated moving my gaze from the god next to me, and towards the blue expanse of sky in front of me,

“Because the thing you want least right now is to hurt more people, and by me complying with your will, you would hurt me.” My eyes flickered fiercely towards him, I quickly stood up in front of him and glared down at him,

“Why would it hurt Loki? Tell me now!” I growled as Loki majestically raised himself from the warm ground, his pale hands were fists at his side, and his lips were tight, suddenly a snarl appeared on his lips,

“Because when I kissed you I knew that no matter what, I wanted to stand by your side, hold you in my arms, not only because I was able to, but because I needed too.” Tears carved down my cheeks, as I saw the pain, rage, hurt and love twist within his soul. My breath came out ragged as I stood there in front of the God of Mischief. He glared at me angrily as I stood there in shock, speechless. I opened my mouth to speak but no word came out only a sigh escaped.

“I told you that until you saw me as your equal I would stop my advances, do you see me as your equal Liberty?” my lips quivered as my stomach twisted with nervous knots. I knew whatever I said you change everything, one answer would make my existence easier to deal with, yet I would be alone for the rest of my life. Another answer would complicate my already messed up life, but It would me I could finally be happy.

I looked at Loki and saw the desperation in his eyes, as my silence stretched out,

“what is your answer Liberty?” my lips shook as I answered silently,

“Why do you have to ask Loki?” I placed my small hands either side of his face and pulled his lips down to mine, his eyes widened in shock as his lips touched mine.

“You’ve saved my life three times Loki, I see you more than an equal, I see you as my saviour.” His arms wrapped around my body, his lips moved against mine,

“I’m glad you think of me so highly, as I see you as my salvation my dear Liberty.” I gasped against his lips for missing air, I had never really experienced a kiss in the conventional sense, and this was much better than I had ever imagined. Finally our lips lost contact, as we both gasped for air, I Looked into Loki’s eyes and saw Loki’s bright emerald eyes staring back into my own blue ones, suddenly Loki chuckled darkly,

“The patriot isn’t happy.” Suddenly I was assaulted with non-verbal war,

“How dare him? He isn’t even human. He does not deserve love or any sort of affection, and he will never deserve Liberty! I will kill him if he ever hurts her!” I looked at Loki who wore a sinister yet playful smirk as he retaliated,

You can talk Patriot, all you do is make Liberty feel guilty for actions that you make!” Loki was getting into Steve’s head,

“No one trusts you here Loki, and we all know that you could compromise everything.” Loki chuckled deeply then looked at me with his dark green eyes,

“well it’s a shame you aren’t the head of S.H.I.E.L.D Patriot because your commander obviously trusts me, and I’m not going to ruin that trust, even though you beg for it to crumble.”  Loki had immersed himself in this petty war between himself and Steve, so I walked away. I ran my hands through my hair; I lifted my fingers up to my lips and gently traced them.

“Where are you going my dear liberty?” I shook my head, everything in my body said that any sort of relationship with public enemy number one was a bad idea. But my heart hammered in joy at the sound of his voice and butterfly’s flew in my stomach whenever I felt his touch.

“I need to find Miss Davis.” I shook my head once again as Steve began his search for me. I dug my hand into my coat pocket and found a pair of ear phones. I grabbed my phone and slipped the cable in; soon music came blasting through the small earphones, “Follow me by Muse.” My steps fell into the same rhythm as the music. I felt confused and at the same time excited, Loki now knew how I felt, but at the same time I had a fear of him using that against me.

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