The Color Of Love. Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

"You know I hate you so much" I said.

"Well I guess we have what you call a love/hate relationship" he said before plunging in to me.

"Oh God" I moaned. I heard Jake let out a laugh but my body was feeling too much pleasure to care much about it, I hated the way he could take control over my body just because he was good at sex because he was so cocky about it and that was always his comeback in any situation.

"Car sex" I said "Wow that's something we will have to do again" he laughed

"I knew you'd like it" he said putting the car in drive and heading towards school. School was about to let out in about five minutes. Once we reached the school. I got out the car.

"Hey where do you think you're going?" Jake said coming to the passenger's side and pinning me up against the car.

"Jake" I groaned even though I was loving every minute of this "I got to go"

"No you don't you could always come back to my place and we can finish what we started" he said kissing up and down my neck.

"As good as that idea sounds, I’m a have to decline. I can't Jake. I got to get Lyci; she's staying with me for a while'

"What, what's a while?" He asked one eyebrow raised

"I don't know maybe until school ends"

"Alyssa you've got to be kidding"

"Nope listen, I'll explain everything to you soon, but right now I can't okay. I got to go "I said giving him a kiss and then pushing him away from me and walking into the school. Lyci had not come out yet, so I went in.

 I had been looking for her for awhile. Where the hell is she?

"Why won't you just tell me the truth Lyci, I don’t have time for your damn games."

"Marco please just stop yelling!" I heard Lyci say. I walked around the corner to find them.

"Hey umm Lyci are you ready?" I asked

"Yea let's go" she said walking ahead of me. I walked behind her until Marco grabbed my wrist.

"I know you know, so tell me. Is it my baby?" Marco asked me

"What'd do you mean? Aren't you her boyfriend?" I replied. I really had to find a quick way out of this.

"Alyssa please can you just tell me the truth?" He asked. I felt bad for him. He seem so saddened at the fact that the baby was his; that Lyci had cheated on him and left him feeling this way.

"Marco leave her alone, come on Alyssa lets go" Lyci said grabbing my hand

"I guess I got my answer" Marco shouted as we were walking away. Me and Lyci headed to the parking lot and got in my car.

"Lyci you know it's not his, why won't you just tell him?" I asked her

"Because, I wish it was his baby, and me having to tell him that it's not his baby makes me feel horrible" She admitted.

"Lyci you're going to have to tell him sooner or later." I told her.

"Yea I know, so yea let's stop talking about me it brings me down." she said

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"How about you and Jake?" she said with a smile on her face

"What about me and Jake?" I asked not seeing what she was smiling about.

"You're not a virgin anymore." She stated. I knew that! Wow where did that come from anyways?. "I smell the sex on you." She explained.

"Nope" I said. She laughed

"So is he good?" she asked

“Amazing" I replied

'Does he make your body shudder?"

"Of course"

"Does he last long?" She kept coming with the questions

"Longer than you think" I replied with a laugh.

"Does he do wonders with his tongue?"

"He hasn't done that yet" I told her

"What why not?" she asked

"We just haven't got there yet" I told her.

"Uh huh" she said. We arrived home a little bit later, first thing I did was take a shower and then I went to sleep. I was very tired. I guess you could say Jake wore me out.

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