Keeping Our Love Chapter 12

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Okay so to be honest I don't really like this chapter. It just doesn't feel right but anyways tell me what you guys think. I really want your opinion. ONce again I feel like verything is being rushed. Sorry it's so short and sorry for the long wait


 I lay next to Jake in the bed. His hands played with my hair like always. It never failed it was like he did it on instinct or something, but I loved it so I never told him to stop. Everything wouldn't even seem complete without his hands roaming through my hair.

 It had been a little over a month since I had stopped taking the birth control and so far I was not pregnant. It was kind of a let down even though I knew that there was a possibility that I would never become pregnant but it stilled brought me down. I was surprised that Jake had not questioned me about it yet. I'm glad he didn't though. I just really didn't want to talk about it.

"Hey can I talk to you about something?" Jake asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Yea?" I asked. I always got worried every time he wanted to talk because I always figured that it would have to do with me having a baby.

"I was thinking that maybe you could come with me to my mom's place. We have this party every year where a bunch of family comes and it would be great to introduce you to the rest of my family members as my fiancée. I'm sure they will love you." He said reaching behind him. What? Did he just say fiancée? I watched as he pulled out a small box and opened it so it was no longer hiding the diamond ring. Yup he did say fiancée.

"So let me ask you first" he said getting off the bed and sitting on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Jake yes of course I will." I said quickly. I didn't have to think twice about it. "You didn't even have to ask Jake" I said as I wrapped my hands around his neck. He laughed. I would have never expected this now. I mean he gave away no clues. I mean I knew that one day we would eventually become husband and wife but not this soon. I mean I was happy and excited that he did because I really truly love Jake and nothing or nobody could ever change that.

"Come on let me put the ring on" he said. I untied my arms from around his neck and I placed my hand in front of him and he slid the ring onto my finger. It was so beautiful. I felt so warm and bubbly on the inside. I had not felt like this when Trevon asked me to marry him. When he asked I kind of felt obligated.

"How long have you been planning this Jake?" I asked. He sighed.

"A while. I didn't know if I should go big or be simple and I was debating if you would even say yes." He replied honestly.


"Of course I would say yes Jake." I said as I connected my lips with his. He slowly got up off his one knee and hovered over me between my legs and we began what would become hours of love making.

 I sat next to Jake at a table. We were at Claire's place and she was throwing us a Congratulatory Engagement Party. It was really nice of her to do this. People that I had never meant before were here and telling us congrats. I kind of felt out of place especially with all of the professional people from Jake's job.

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