Chapter 27

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Kristen had pulled me out of bed this morning to get ready so we can do something special for my 'pre' birthday. Even though there isn't much to do for a 19th, but whatever she has in store, I'm going to be dragged along with her. She had made me dress like I actually dressed for everyone, but instead I just put on some ripped jeans, nike's, and a low cut body suit and probably with one of Mikey's merch sweatshirt because it's a bit cold in LA. When I walked out of the bathroom and into my room she just looked at me and smiled, "Wow, didn't know you had it in you. But just not with those shoes." She got up off my bed and went looking through my closet for all my shoes. Once she found what she was looking for she came out holding my white Adidas. "No." I told her, sticking with my Nike's since Adidas aren't the wave anymore for me.

We walked out of the complex and went walking around the strip to go and get McDonalds since it was the closest near us and we are fat shit and that's all we eat in the mornings. It's been the go since we were Sophomores. Just always stuffing out faces with coffee and orange jucie and egg sausage mcmuffin.
We got our order and went to sit down waiting for them to call our order. "So a little birdy told me that Mikey is talking to someone." I chewed on my straw and looked up at her. She was smiling and waiting for my reaction, I just shrugged my shoulder not caring about who he's talking to this time.
They called our order and that's when I got up and got away from the situation that I know way too much about.

On our way back home we ran into Diego and Affaf, he had said hi and she gave a dirty look. We stayed and chatted for a minute and then took off back to the apartment. "I hate that bitch." Kristen had said as we just turned our backs and walked the other way, letting Affaf hear her comment.

When we got back to the apartment everyine had decided they all wanted to be my friend and allow me over at their place. Kristen was telling me just to go and have fun since this could mend our friendships, but I don't want to be friends with people who are always screwing me over. But out of kindness I went and kept to myself as everyone else was having fun.
"You know, this is for you right?" Brandon came and sat right next to me with two bottles of water. I nodded my head and got off my phone since someone here actually was willing to take time out of there day to talk to me. "So why aren't you enjoying this?" I looked down at my phone as it lit up, clicking it off after reading Gavin's early birthday message. "Why would I?" He bit on his lip hearing my aggressive ass response. No words were said back besides him drawing his attention to Affaf and Diego as they walked in to the apartment. He had left and mingled with everyon else, leaving me alone once again.

In a matter of seconds Affaf had was starting drama, getting everyone to believe her once again. From that point one everyone was ignoring me. Not even Tyler wanted to talk to me. I bit the inside of my lip hard to stop myself from actually letting this bother me. But it was it really was. There's no way of me stopping it, if they all want to believe her, then let them.
I got off the couch and grabbed my shoes, leaving my own 'birthday' kickback.

Back at my apartment, with my dog, I changed into something a little more comforable than jeans and a body suit. An oversized shirt and shorts. Alfedo had joined me on the couch watching 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'. We ordered Chipotle and walked down to the corner store to grab a small pint of Ben and Jerry's getting back just in time to get our food. Why spend your birthday with people when you can just have as much fun, times two with your dog.
"Happy birthday babygirl, hope you're having an amazing time. Your brother, sister and I will be coming out there for christmas in two weeks. Hope you have a good 19th birthday. Love you." I had almosted cried listening to my Dad's voicemail that I had missed. Knowing his busy schedule calling him around this time, it would just be sent to voicemail. "Ell." Someone had called when I was struggling to unlock my door because my hands were so shakey. I looked back once I unlocked the door and saw Tyler walking up to me holding a bag and balloons, "Happy birthday." Was all he had said before running back to the apartment.

Not minding whatever just happened, I set the bag on the counter and tied the balloons with it. Grabbing my food and blanket inside and went to sit on the couch.

A good amount of time had passed and my fat ass had fallen asleep on the couch, didn't finish my food but my dog managed to get it off the coffee table and out of the closed container. Alf is only like nine inches tall. I cleaned up my mess, took my dog out to the bathroom then went back to my apartment and tried to go to bed. Kristen was passed out already even though it was barely one at night, she was gone. I walked into my room, took my shorts off and got in bed, watched a few youtube videos before actually going back to sleep.
As I was about to go to bed, someone had walked inside of my house and started up the stairs. Being the lazy human being I am, I only sat up and waited for who ever it was to walk in my room.

Fun at 3am // Mikey ManfsWhere stories live. Discover now