Chapter 7

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I was running doing my morning routine. From my town all the way to Jake's, then around. Since it was still early this morning, the temperature was cold enough to wear a pretty thin jacket, but I decided to go out in leggings and a sports bra.

Running down by the old barn I had saw Jake's truck. I was more than half way done with my run, so why not fuck with the boys.

Their loud mouths gave me an advantage because they wouldn't hear me jog through the grass. Mikey was filming well Ademir and Jake were playing. Typical. I walked up to the house and donkey kicked the door as hard as I can before heading to where they had been playing. Hearing them panic had made me laugh. "Let's just finish the game." Jake quickly said.

Mikey had saw me as I picked up a small rock, getting ready to throw it. I placed my finger over my lips, signaling to be quiet. He gave me a small head nod and looked away.

"What the fuck was that?" Ademir's deep ass voice echoed outside.

A few minutes had passed and I took a small run around the barn making it seem like I just showed up.

I lightly knocked on the wall and they nearly peed themselves. "What are you idiots doing?" Jake had his hand on his chest, like he was about to have a heart attack. Before they had a chance to answer a office chair was pushed off the top floor down the stairs.

Before anything Mikey and I were the first ones to take off, not waiting for either of them.

Not thinking, they dead ass left the car back by the barn. So I stayed with Mike as the other two left to get it. "Where the hell are your clothes?" He had asked as I was jogging in place to stay warm. My brain didn't even comprehend what he was saying because it was too focused on getting my body warm. Once they pulled up Mikey went and placed the board on the window, scaring Jake. I had just got in, grabbed his Mikey Manfs sweater and threw it on.

Back at his house he had outroed his vlog and then they started to play with the vape. Again, I had just sat there and watched in discuss because any type of smoking it disgusting.

"Why are you making that face?" Jake placed his camera down on the coffee table then took a seat by me. "Because you guys are idiots." I looked at Ademir and Mikey who had continued to mess around with the vape pen or whatever the fuck it's called. "And that's disgusting." He patted my head before having to say anything else.
"The night back at Juggernuggets I had lied and said that I once had a addiction." Trying to clear that up with Jake was the hardest thing to do. He's not the brightest and didn't realize that I'm on a scholarship at the school that I'm attending. Ever since the first day of high school my life has been dedicated to sports. My brother pushed me into doing winter track and field because that's what kept him alive. And away from the cops. For me, it just keeps me in shape and ready for these 3 am challenges the boys put me through.

Once they had finished messing around we headed out once again. But this time, to my house.

I had only took a fifteen minute shower and the guys were passed out in my room. Manfs and Ademir on my bed and Jake on a little makeshift bed on the ground. "This is great."

My little sister was just waking up and getting ready for school. Even though it had started an hour ago.

She was walking up and down the stairs, making a shit ton of noise. Then out of all people she woke up Manfs. The one who isn't the happiest camper when he first wakes up. "I hate your sister." He had mumbled before wiggling his butt and turned the other way, going back to sleep. Which was a lot calmer than I thought.

Gavin had came over because he knew Mike was here and had nothing else to do. We both made breakfast and down sat, waiting for all the lazy asses to wake up. Before we knew it, one by one they all started to come downstairs and join us at the dining table. "Uh, thanks for ruining our breakfast date." Gavin had made a very girly voice and pushed his plate away, rolling his eyes then got on his phone. "Damn, she cheating." Jake hit Ademir's arm, trying to make a joke.

Since we all had did our activity for the day, Mike had this bright idea to play first impression since there was nothing else to do.

"I honestly thought she was the ugliest human being ever, but we were also 8 at the time so..." Gavin had got them all to laugh. Knowing him for a long time is a good thing because he was ugly when he was eight also. "Then sophomore year came around... and let's just say she wasn't all that ugly anymore."

Everyone had took a turn and the whole time Gavin and I were going back and forth about eachother. It wasn't getting old because we have the best stories together. Like when I pushed him out the window and he landed in a bush. Nothing but good memories with him.

Time quickly rolled by and my sister had came home with a few friends.

This didn't slide for Jake once he had saw that one of them was a guy. Being a wannabe older brother he introduced himself to the kid and, he looked like he was going to shit himself. To scare the kid a lot more, Manfs and Ademir had stood up too, trying to look scary. "The two over protective brothers then the grandpa who thinks he's tough." I whispered to Gavin as we watched this all go down. He started to laugh and they all looked back at us.

"You're sister is pretty hot... And she got a fat ass." Ademir had said as he took the space between Gavin and me. Jake dropped his jaw and started laugh after hearing what he said. I patted his thigh, "Date her instead."

He had wrapped his arm around the back of my neck and roughly pulled me towards him. "I'd prefer you instead."

Fun at 3am // Mikey ManfsWhere stories live. Discover now