Chapter 8

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I was walking through Seaside with Layla since her crazy ass wanted to see all the guys. The weather is starting to warm up a bit and she's more than excited. It's been nonstop with her, all she talks about is meeting a cute guy at seaside. But none of them are committed to a relationship and just want to hook up. Her little brain doesn't understand that though.

She had put on her bikini that flashes her boobs and shorts that made it seem like she has a butt. As for me, shorts and a cropped sweater. I'm not a hoe like her, nor am I desperate. "Pay the meter." She yelled as I locked my doors and started to walk off. All I did was give a smile then she started to dig through her wallet, looking for quarters.

Kat was meeting us here and she was along side with Layla, wanting to meet a guy.

The moment she arrived was when the game began. We were moving left and right, looking for pretty decent guys that didn't seem like complete douchebags.

Walking around, then came across the large group of people. Didn't really think much because we are at a public place. Anything could be happening. So we approached the scene in hope to end this man hunt for Layla and Kat.

"Yo, isn't that Ademir?" Layla had whispered and pointed to the group of people. We stopped real quick and looked. He was making out with some random chick. I was trying not to believe it but then I had saw Mikey and Tyler. "Yeah." Without hesitation I just crossed my arms and continued walking.

My head just dropped and my eyes became watery.

"Fuck." Nothing was filling my mind other than I had trusted him. The kid who was suppose to be a good friend and my other half.

"There's a point to where he should ask himself how is this going to affect me." Layla and Kat were going back and forth about what had just happened. "Yeah." It was still running in my mind but that is the last thing and how my night is going to end.

We went walking around, running into them. The whole time the girls were talking to them, my head was down and I wanted to go home. "Ell, what's wrong?" Jake had interrupted their conversation and asked. I just shook my head and didn't look up. His warm gripped had pulled me in and started to rub my back. He kissed the top of my head and that's when I had broke.

He broke us away from the group and sat me down, having a one on one conversation.

I had told him everything I saw and my feelings about it.

Jake is basically my older brother and will do anything to see me happy. In this situation, I can't just say stop talking to him. Making him pick between the two isn't something I want to put him through. We are both very close friends and doing that isn't making the situation any better.

Soon Mikey and the rest of them had walked over towards us. Having to face them isn't something I want to do right now. "Yo, what's wrong?" Jake had given him the look, that it's not the time. He kept on asking, making it more and more sensitive. My lip started to quiver and that's when Mikey got the hint.

"Ellie, what's wrong?" Ademir started to walk towards me and Mike had just place his hand against his chest. "Nah, not the time." He kept on trying to push pass Manfs, but he was making it impossible for that to happen.

Jake had told me just to leave with Kat and Layla, so I did.

He just followed us down to the parking lot, playing stupid. No matter how many times they had told him to leave me alone had just made him want to talk to me even more. At this point there was no shot that he was going to leave us alone. So I had just faced it, and told him what we had saw him do.

"I'm done with your shit. You go around with the guys and kiss other girls. And isn't the first time you've done this." Speechless. No words were coming from his mouth. But he just held his head high and smiled. As if it was his goal to hurt me. "So what?" He asked, throwing his arm up in the air, placing them behind his head. "We end this?" All the guys were flooded the parking lot and started to chant for him. I just rolled my eyes and told the girls to get in the car. "I can't with you, have a good life."

Back at the house nothing was being said, no one had wanted to say the wrong thing. Layla, being the brave ass she is, had said, "Honestly fuck him." We had both looked up at her and waited for her to say something else other than that. "She was ugly anyway. He lost something good."

Some time had passed and soon our doorbell was ringing.

Jake and Brandon had came over because they wanted to see how I was holding up.

We all had sat down and talked about the situation. Jake was saying how he was only there when Ademir had wanted to kiss her. And that he didn't have one clue what was going on until Manfs had caught him up. "I'm at the point where I don't care." I had softly clapped my hands together, feed up with the whole thing already. "If he wants seaside trash, there he goes."

Fun at 3am // Mikey ManfsWhere stories live. Discover now