Chapter 25

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"Have you talked to Manfs?" Jake asked as he made himself a bowl of cereal and came to sit down with me as I finished my homework. I shook my head, looking back and forth from my computer to my papers, seeing if everything matched up before submitting my answers. "We text still." I slid my phone over towards him, relaxing my body because for the past few days I've been stressed the fuck out. "Reguardless of what happened between us, i will still love Mike." My phone began to ring. His name had popped up and Jake answered it, putting it on speaker phone. "Hey are you free?" Without knowing what to say, Jake started writing on a piece of paper, as if we were in a movie and he was one of my close girlfriends giving me advice on how to talk to a guy.
"Uh.. Jake is over and I'm doing homework. Why?" The line went silent and you couldn't even hear him cough, so I turned my side on mute too, "Invite him over! You two need to make up." Kristen yelled from upstairs. 
Jake agreed. I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off mute. "The doors open if you want to come over if you want." There was still no response, i looked at my phone, seeing if he still was on the call.
"I'll be over in a minute then. Love you." He waited a minute before hanging up the call, "Love you too bye."

Kristen had came running down the stairs after hearing what I had said with a huge smile on her face. This had made my cheeks turn red, making me a little nervous due to her hearing it. Which just happen to be the first we've said love you too eachother that wasn't because we were wishing eachother luck in a swim meat.
Both her and Jake were both teasing me as if we were in the third grade, admitting who we have a crush on.

My front door had slowly opened, making everyone stop what they were doing to see who was at the door, opening it like we are in the middle of a horror movie. Alf had started barking when Mike walked in the house, holding the door open. Mikey started yelling at him to shut up because he was annoying, he back down and sat there waging his tail. "Told you he was mean to him." Kristen nodded her head, sitting on the floor with him. Mike still stood by the door, not closing it shut yet, creeping everyone out. "Bro, shut the door." Jake told him with a mouth full of cereal. "Hey guys." Brandon had walked in like he was the new shy kid at school. "No fucking shot." I said out loud, "What the fuck! You didn't tell me you were coming out." I walked over towards him, giving him a hug.

"Hi Kristen." Hugs went all around, having a little reunion. "Where's Layla?" He asked. Both Mike and I looked at eachother, causing everyone to look at us. "Uh.. okay. So what's with you two. Mikey's Mom told me already." I had nervously laughed, not knowing what to say because she's probably not updated with everything that had happened within the past couple of days. "They're on a break." Jake had came out and said for the both of us. Brandon scratched the back of his neck in an awkward position. Right as he was about to say sorry we saved his ass, "B, it's fine." I smiled at him, trying to make the situation less awkward for him.
"We still fuck though, so you're chilling." They had dapped eachother up, making it awkward for me now. Kristen had mumbled to me, asking if it was true and I shook my head. "We haven't done anything to start with."

Everyone was chilling at my place, just going back an forth, asking how everyone has been and what they did for the holidays. "I know what Manfs and Ellie were doing for the holidays. Wink Wink. Nudge Nudge." Jake had managed to make it awkward for the both of us. I glance at Mikey, seeing him blush at what was said. "Look at her eyeing him up." Tyler joined in on the fun.
"They must've done something because she has a big ass hickey on her neck." Kristen was quick to defend me on the big ass bruise on my neck. Telling the guys what had happened, they all were pissed because not once have we brought it up to them and it's been almost a whole week since it happened now. "Who!?" Mikey had started to get pissed, along with Jake. "I don't know. We were at Walmart when it happened."
Kristen had pulled up the video of some random drunk ass guy yelling at us for no apparent reason, threating to call the cops because we were having fun in walmart, like back in jeresy. "It's fine, someone called the police and the workers were quick on the scene."
Still not okay with it, Mikey had looked at my neck, actually looking at the bruises. "Mike it's fine, really." I took his hand off my neck and held it for a minute. He nodded his head and looked down at our hands before pulling his away.

Fun at 3am // Mikey ManfsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora