Chapter 15

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(24 Hours 'Til Cali)

"THEN DO!" I screamed at my Mom, as my sister was trying to hold her back. My fist was bleeding and quickly bruising. She had pushed my sister down and came after me, i tried my best to keep to myself but she made it hard...

Blood stained my shirt as it dripped down my chin, sliding onto my chest. I sat on the bathroom floor, feeling my warm tears fall down my cheeks. Every part of me was physically and mentally broken. My sister was banging on the door, crying for me to come out, but I stayed on the floor, still, not moving one inch. When I had the strenght to pick myself up off the floor i looked at the bathroom mirror, my eye was bruised and lip busted. "No, shot." I whispered to myself before making contact with my bloody hand to the mirror, shattering it. "ELL!" Stella screamed hearing the glass shatter.

I opened the bathroom door, seeing the mistakes that was made. Blood stained the wall followed by broken dry wall on the wooden floor. My Mom was nowhere to be found, which was a good thing. I don't know if I'm able to control myself by the sight of her. Stella was crying in her room, on the phone with God only knows. I walked into my room, hearing my phone ringing, seeing 9 missed calles from both Mikey and Jake. "Hello." With no emotion I answered the call. They had quickly paniced and started to ask multiple questions, making my head hurt.

My shit was all packed and I was ready to leave for Cali, not wanting to look back. Everything that has been happening for the past few days, I don't deserve. Now, everyones first impression of me is going to be horrible. Nothing is going to go right for me when I move out there.

Someone was running up the stairs as I was showering, cleaning off all the blood that was all over my chest and hands. It was almost like a murder scene had gone down. They had knocked on the door multiple times, waiting for a response. Instead, I just finished up my shower and got dressed, leaving the steaming bathroom and went straight to my room. "Yo, Ell." Mikey's voice had came from behind me as I was about to shut the door. I looked back and he had a worried look on his face. Jake followed behind him, "Holy shit." Jake yelled. I had quickly turned away, shutting my door. They can't see me hurt, especially like this, not with all my battle scars.

Soon, they had came in my room, I was in bed, laying down with my face covered. "Not today, please." I softly said, hearing Jake sent down his camera and sit on my bed. A hand was resting on my leg, rubbing his thumb up and down. "You're fine Ell, everything is going to be all right."

Mike had convinced me to just stay at his house until tomorrow, so we all can just leave to catch our flight together.

Mikey's POV

The moment Ell had stepped foot into my house, it was almost visible that all ton of weight was taken off her shoulders. Being in the same house as her Mom isn't the best. They have been in so many fights in the past two months... It's not healthy. All Ell does is try to set a good example for her sister, and lately, that's been hard, due to the way her Mom has been treating her. It's a good thing that she is going to be moving to Cali with us. But, she's going to be around the three of us, since Kat and Layla bailed. Which is fine, less stress on Ell and she can either get an apartment to herself or just move in with us.

We had went out to Seaside, having a small meet an greet, before we leave tomorrow. I had took some hats to sell, so fans can get them before they drop. Ell wasn't totally in on going out, but she toughed through it and came out with me and the rest of us.

"Dang, the little munchkin decided she wanted to come after all." Jake was in the middle of vlogging, but he had put down his camera and gave Ell a hug. Tyler and I had went off and messed around for a minute, waiting for people to show up and come. The whole time we were just being reckless, I kept one eye out on Ellie. She was chilling on her phone, talking to my Mom. Soon all of our close friends had came, it was a reunion.

Ademir had gone up to Ell and I made sure that my back wasn't facing them. At this moment, everything is sailing pretty good, he can't mess it. She's finally warming up and getting even more comfortable with me. We've been hanging out everyday this week, and he can ruin it in a matter of two words. I had to do this, "Hi." She had said as I took a seat next to her, casually placing my hand on her knee. He glanced down and clenched his jaw. A small smirk had slipped onto my lips. Ademir knows we've been 'talking' but not in the way he's thinking now.

Fans started to show up and we all had taken a few picture, some of them had bought a couple of hats and everything was running smoothly. Then, rent-a-cops tried to shut us down. But we didn't listen and kept on with our meet an greet. My fans deserve the world, and some wannabe cops aren't going to shut us down.

Ell and my Mom had gone back home, since it was getting late and they both had things to do around four in the morning. As for us, not until six. So we stayed out a little longer. "She doesn't even like Mike that way, the fact that she went after him as soon as we broke up..." I had over heard Ademir and Jake talking about the 'relationship' Ell and I had. "If he wants my sloppy seconds, go ahead. She ain't even all that great." The moment those words came out of his mouth I wanted him to be sorry for even talking about her in that way. "She ain't that great but you still text her for booty calls in the middle of the night." In the few seconds of that happening, the attention was drawn over towards us.

Before it had gotten worse I had dropped the whole thing and took Tyler home since he has school in the morning.

She was assed out in my bed and there was no shot of me sleeping on the couch tonight, my last night in jeresy is going to be a comforble one. "Ell, move." I whispered, tapping her thigh. She had looked back at me, making room for me. As I went to lay down, she had sat up and I just stood there confused, "Hurry up and lay down." She whispered yelled. Once I did she placed her hand on my chest, looking back at me. It was pitched black but I was able to feel her looking at me. "Thanks Mike." Before i was able to give a response, her lips touched mine and I didn't know how to react. The moment she pulled away, I had brought her back, she smiled within our kiss, making my heart race. "I'm always here, no matter what." She again, pressed her lips against mine. This time i was the one smiling. She rested her head on my chest and i wrapped my arm around her, falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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