"You mean that's why you're so calm? Wow, pal... you used to be more like..."

But having that said, Katsuki's fuse blew in a second, causing him to go back to his regular self

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But having that said, Katsuki's fuse blew in a second, causing him to go back to his regular self. He didn't hesitate to yell at Kirishima while flipping him off:


"Ah, there it is." Kirishima chuckled.

Katsuki calmed down before telling Kirishima to "fuck off already." But Kirishima being Kirishima, he found that Katsuki was starting to sound manly and insisted that he was going to stick with him for now on.

While they were on their way back to the main area, Kirishima asked Katsuki about something, something that made him somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey Bakugo, what's the deal with you and (Y/n)?"

"Nothing. I don't have a single care for her." The ash blonde retorted.

"Yeah, I don't think so... You guys have this weird type of relationship that nobody can understand." The redhead replied.

"What the hell are you getting at weird hair?"

"Well, you two always argue whenever over little things, yet you're mutual & don't mind helping each other? Like the time when everyone went crazy during lunch and she was up against the wall and you almost squished her, but pushed your hands against the wall to avoid that!" He blurted.

"That doesn't mean anything! I could've squished her on purpose and not care."

"But you didn't." Kirishima replied as he gave him a smirk.

Bakugo's brows furrowed with annoyance. Despite feeling annoyed, he kept silent and just rolled his eyes at Kirishima.

Back at the landslide zone...

"Wow, who knew freezing someone and threatening to kill them would make them leak all their information?" You sarcastically joked, hoping to lighten the mood. Though, Todoroki being Todoroki, he failed to get the joke.

"Actually, many people would've leaked information if-"

"I know, I was just kidding... Anyways, we should get out of here and go help the others." You replied.

Todoroki nodded in agreement and off you two went. While running, you asked Todoroki about the incident that occurred between him and Bakugo after lunch had ended that day. Todoroki glanced at you before he spoke.

"That was nothing, I was just walking back to class when I met up with him."

You had a feeling he was lying, but didn't bother to pry as now wasn't the time.

"I-I see..." you looked down at the ground as you ran and started to wonder. 'I hope it was nothing bad...'

After a few more minutes of running you both finally made it to the centre plaza only to see that the giant bird thing was halfway through a portal, digging his claws into All Might's side, while Katsuki was holding down the portal guy. The last thing you noticed was the badly beaten Aizawa who was barely holding onto consciousness, lying on the ground. Todoroki wasn't hesitant to join the fight and use his quirk to freeze the bird thing's arm and leg.

"We heard about your bastards' plan. About each of your roles in your scheme to kill All Might." He began to speak.

"No funny business out of you, you shadow-ass mobling!!" Threatened Katsuki, as he stood atop the warp villain.

"The symbol of peace won't go down as easy as you clowns." Todoroki finished.

Izuku looked relieved, you understood why. You walked up to him and asked him if he were okay, he nodded in response.

Suddenly, All Might broke free from the bird guy's grip, thanks to Todoroki's ice!

"You pinned down our revolving door... well now... this is quite the pinch... I guess we underestimated your kids' strength." Spoke the man with the hands all over his body.


Sorry for stopping it right there but I'm tired and wanted to update asap. Anyways sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoyed.

- Sierra

She's mine! - Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now