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We went to the basement once again. I went and made another batch of Umairian Kush. This time I mixed 3/4 Umairian blood and 1/4 water. Shot grew and florished in 5 minutes flat.. I carefully cut the buds off and hung them. Then mad another batch for queen Isabel. Man that has a ring to it.
"I love you my Queen." I said as I was watching the second plant grow.
"Mmm I love you too Queen December."
I loved when she called me that. 5 minutes went by and I harvested the second plant and bagged them both up. Then we heard the door open.
"Hey guys are yall down here?"
"Oh no it's dad!"
Before I knew Kromark waved his hand and everything disappears and the radio turned on to Killswitch Engage. And Krowmark shape shifted into someone out age. He telephathicly told us call him Mark and that he just moved here. Galiga holler, "we're all down here."
Dad started his Dad and down the stairs. "Hi guys! Good to be back home. What are y'all doing?"
"Hey daddy", Lilly said. "I missed you!"
She ran up to him and have him a big hug. Dad shook Galigas hand, Nikomas. Then he shook Marks hand. "Hi there I'm Tim and you are?"
Krowmark took his had and shook it. "Mark. Mark Umair. Nice to finally meet you Sir."
"Aw Sir is my dad. You can call me Tom." Dad said.
"Yes sir, I mean Tom."
"How did y'all meet?"
"Well Tom. I had just moved here from knome, Alaska about a week ago. A kid was giving me a hard time and December here actually helped me out. So that kid not anyone for the matter, has messed with me again. We have three classes together and Galiga and She invited me over after school."
"Wow I'm happy your here! Well mother and I have to leave in the morning. Again. Our firm in Tokyo is needing new renovations. So mom and I will be headed that way first thing in the morning. We wanted to see you kiddos for a few hours before we go to bed."
"Ok daddy! What shall we do?"
"I figured we could watch a movie with popcorn and junk food?"
We all looked at each other and smiled. "Yes daddy! We would love to!"
"Well Mark and I will leave yall be so you guys can spend some family time," Isabel stated. "Come on Nikoma. You can hang ou with us."
"Ok sounds good to me. I really don't want to go home."
"Tall really don't have to leave." Dad said.
"No sir it's ok. We know you guys don't get that much time together."
"Ok. Suit yourself. Yall can com back if you guys want when Sandy and I go to bed."
"I'll probably end up going to Isabels afterwards."
"Ok hun. That's totally fine. Mom and I will be leaving at 5 A.M."
"Ok daddy."
Everyone went their own ways so Lilly, Galiga and I watched a movie with mom and dad. After we say and caught up with each other for a little bit. Daddy told us that he put an extra $2,000,000 a piece in each of our banking acounts. It now have $7,000,000 in mind. Lord knows how Galiga and Lilly have in theirs. Our parents finally went to bed. So I say and talked to Lilly and Galga about Nikoma.
"Ok. So I was thinking for Nikomas birthday. I wanted to get him a car and fix it up at Jesters garage."
"That sounds great to me December."
"Yes I was also thinking we each put 1.5 million dollars each in his banking account Galiga."
"That's a great plan. Our blehsia needs a future."
I agree with you guy," Lilly exclaimed. "It's not fair how this life is treating him. How about we make it an even 5,000,000?"
"That's fine Lilly."
"We planned a little longer then I left to go to Isabels. Isabel opened the door for me and we went to her room. We kissed each other, then I started to tell her what we were going to do for Nikoma.
I got on her laptop and started looking up 79' trans amms. She rolled us a fat blunt and lit it.
"Here you go my queen."
"Thank you, my queen."
She kissed my neck and I passed it back to her. I came a cross this beautiful trans am for $10,000. I know a little expensive but the owner lived about five minutes away. So I shot him me name and number. Then kept looking.
"Hey December, you want a Diet Dr. Pepper? Yes baby. Say what kinda car is your dream car?"
"1970 mercury couger 429 but id supe is up. Why?"
"I'm going to buy you one."
"Baby. You don't ha ve to do that."
"Nope. I'm going to."
She ran and jumped in my lap kissing and hugging me. "I love you December."
"I love you too."
She went to get us something to drink. And I looked up her car. I found one for $4,000 and PMed them my name and number. It was 9 so I might not hear back from them until tomorrow. I got up and put on Mars Attacks. Shecame in she darted laughing.
"God baby what a show to watch."
We layed in bed watching the movie and finished our blunt. So ready for bed. Today was a long day. I was thinking about Nikoma. I hope he will be happy with his birthday. I have to go up to the bank tomorrow and make some withdraws. The banks gonna be thrilled with this. But it's not their money. Thats ok. They will get it back. We went and took a shower and got ready for bed. My phone kit up. I looked at it and it was the man about the trans am. He said to come by tomorrow anytime and take a look at it. I replied and we went to sleep.

-Forever Blue-December's StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя