Chapter II

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Isabel picked me up. I was very leery about being out without my brother. I guess its ok. Im with Isabel. She makes me feel safe. I love being with her. That many years of friendship is rare in this world these days. I am very thankful for that. Shes my very best friend. I love her. Once we got to her house we decided to sit down put some metal music on and toked a bowl of green. You know, wind down for the evening. I know that is what I really need to do after the day I had today.

"Man Isabel this Blueberry Yum is dank as fuck!"

"I know right? It sure is hitting the spot though."

"I know thats the truth." Im thinking to myself I should let her try our weed from our planet. That would be so funny or fucked. Or fucking funny. Nah she probably can't handle this. No one could. Fuck it. Im going to load a bowl of it anyways. "Here hun. try this."

"What is it?"

"It's a new strain not know to man yet." The truth, is It will never be known, but I'm not going to tell her that.

"Nah, you're bull shitting me."

"No serious. you'll see. It will blow your fucking mind! You'll never want smoke anything else ever again. I promise you."

"Oh December, if you say so."

"I do." I handed it to her and warned her to hit it extremely light. She did not listen. Sure as a frog hits its ass after leaping she hit it really hard. It kinda scared me. She instantly passed out. I was ready to Bleed in her mouth if she stopped breathing, but a few seconds later she came to.

"What the fuck it this December?"

I laughed. "I told you its a new strain not known to man yet." I took a good hit of it too. Man still after eighty years this stuff still hits me the same way it did the very first time I smoked it.

"God damn December everything is- is.. I cant explain it. Ive never felt this before! This is the absolute High. Ive ever been this baked. Oh my God. I can actually function. Wow! Where the fuck did you get this?"

"Im sorry Isabel. I cant tell you. I promised I wouldn't."

"Well damn. Can I at least see it?"

"Yeah. I guess. I have to warn you. Don't fucking trip when you see it."

"Im already tripping! What are you talking about? ha ha."

"Hah, ok here." I grabbed the bag and handed it to her. Umairian kush is black with toxic green, and vibrant blue, purple, and silver speckled hairs all over. Her eyes widened when she took it. She freaked out. It was funny. She was so fascinated with it. I laughed then put it back up.

I took the pipe and hit it again. It has such a sweet taste to it. Its like strawberry banana with a hint of kiwi. The smell isn't over powering. It smells fruity with a little hint of skunk. Not bad at all.  Isabel's mom doesn't mind at all. My parents are a little strict about it though, I still get to toke and smoke, as long as I keep my grades up. I never have problems with that. I looked over at Isabel and I could tell she was super baked. I laughed to myself. She looked up at me and smiled. She took a couple of cigarettes out, lit them, and handed me one. We sat there smoking while we had the radio on. I sang along with the song that was on. She looked over at me.
"I didn't know you could sing like that."
I replied, "Yeah. I didn't know I could either." To be honest, being Umairian, we can do anything we want. We just have to try it once. Our DNA is programmed to adapt to anything. That's another reason are bioluminescence blue blood can heal, also grow any form of plant as well. Its
Later we ordered pizza and watched movies. We sat together and held hands like we always do. We never think about it. Just us being comfertable. I'm still thinking about earlier how this strainger knew what I was, and why he attacked me, and why now? Shit just doesn't add up.
"Something's wrong with you. I can feel it," said Isabel.
"Oh just thinking about earlier."
"I understand." Isabel said as she took a drink of her Diet Dr. Pepper. "There are some creeps out. Just have to be extra careful."
"Yeah," I said yaunning. "I'm tired."
"Me too. Bedtime?"
"Most deffinatly Isabel."
We turned the TV off and the radio on. We got into bed and got comfy. She pulled me into her. We just laid there stairing into each others eyes. She smiled at me, and I smiled back then we kissed each other good night. I laid there recapping the day I had and how strange it had been. Then I started thinking about life then drifted off to dream land.

You know who I am. You know why I'm here. Umairains are  among the you. You, princess, and your brother's and sister need to find them. Form an alience. War is coming along with death and desolation. Be aware of your enemies. They also walk amongst you. Find Krowmark. He will leave you signs to where and how to find him. He is the one that watches over you. He will guide you and your siblings. He will teach you how to summon your strengths and special abilities you don't know you possess yet. I love you my daughter. I'll be with you in spirit.

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