Chapter 4

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Nervous? Curious!? Probably not....

I thought that I was dreaming. But deep inside I knew I didn't. This was all real. I tried to pick up a scent. I smelled something that smelled like coconut and a bit of mango. I also smelled salt. (It has a scent, yes)
After some thinking I knew I had to be on a ship.

After trying to open my eyes for a couple of minutes they finally open. First I saw only saw darkness, eventually I started to see shapes of things. A basket was standing in the corner and there was a table with all sort of stuff at my left. I also mentioned a person was present in this room. I guess it was a boy. He had dark hair. A small face with a tight jaw line. it did not look ugly. a bit majestic even. I tried to say something. But the only thing that came out of my mouth was a weird sound. I had to be almost dehydrated!

The boy stood up with a waterskin and walked over to me. I instantly opened my mouth so I could drink the transparent liquid. I wanted to drink more than I could.
"Slow down" I heard a voice say. It was from the boy next to me. As said I started to drink slower. It was easier than the hurry I was drinking in before. After the watersack was empty he asked me if i could sit up straight. I tried without even thinking about the headache I would had. I did it but the headache was killing me. "Eat this" he said with a calm voice. He gave me some plants and I ate it. After one or two minutes there was only a light banging left. I could finally see clear again so I thought that maybe I could talk again too. I tried to ask something. Expecting that weird sound again, but instead I heard my own voice asking:"who are you?" He looked at me before answering.
"I am clay. And before you're going to ask where you are.... you need to see that for yourself." He gave me his hand to stand up and I gratefully took it. We walked towards the only door that was in the room and opened it. I was blinded by all the light. But when I could see clearly again I saw three more people on deck. A girl with a black skirt and brown hair was standing on the side of the deck. She looked at me and I saw that she had blue eyes. She was pretty. That was one thing you could say. But not my type. She had a strongly looking stick on her back and I didn't doubted that she wouldn't hurt someone with it. Then there was a boy with hair tihat was shoulderlength. He had some Viking clothing on and wore furry boots like I once wore. He had a face that has turned brown by working in sunlight, but he wasn't that strong built. Like the other guy... Clay, next to me. They all looked like they came from different places. But than you had another person, a girl standing there on deck. She began to walk towards me. She had hair that also came till her shoulders. It looked a bit messy but that suited her. She had green eyes and blonde hair. She looked at me and then I realized I was staring. She was now in front of me and I looked down to see her holding out her hand. I took it

"I'm rayla" she said. "
"I'm Hiccup" I said. "Nice to meet you".

She looked at Clay, exchanging glances. "this is Nathan", she said pointing at the boy with shoulder long brown hair. "And this is Indra" she said pointing at the other girl. She nodded at me in greeting. "We're outcasts" she said.

I wanted to ask almost a hundred questions but the only one that came out was: " How could you speak dragonese?" She looked at me for a moment. " we sailed and traveled all around the archipelago, while doing that you learn a lot." She said. "But may I ask why I'm missing half of my leg!" I said. I totally forgot about that while talking, but I started to feel in now.

"It was burned really bad when you fell into the flames. We had to amputate it... I'm sorry " The blonde said. "But Toothless told me that you are good at making and inventing things, so you could make a prosthetic leg!" She said it with so much enthusiasm that it didn't even sound that bad. I thought for a minute before an idea popped into my head. I hopped over to Toothless and explained him my idea. About the new saddle and how we could even make the control better than before. He got really excited and I asked where we could make our plan reality. Indra said that we should arrive at their place in an hour or two, enough time for me to ask everyone my questions.

Hello again.
I have a question for all of you and I would really wish all of you readers to answer.
So there are ships with Hiccup, and I wanted to ask you if I should make this a shipping book. should I?

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Hang in there!!


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